- MyBookshelf is designed to improve and ease the management of public community libraries.
- MyBookshelf helps to keep track of the person who has borrowed which books from the library.
- MyBookShelf helps to keep track of the book transactions within the library.
- MyBookShelf helps to keep track of the merit score of each user of the library.
- This helps to prevent irresponsible behaviour that violates the library's borrowing guidelines, easing management duties.
The project is CLI based to make it quick to use and easy for users who prefer typing commands over mouse operations.
The librarians can add, edit, find or delete users in order to keep track of the people who is using their library
The librarians can keep track of borrowed books and the borrower's information as well as return transactions.
The librarians can keep track donated books and the information of the donors.
The project simulates an ongoing software project for a desktop application (called AddressBook) used for managing contact details.
- It is written in OOP fashion. It provides a reasonably well-written code base bigger (around 6 KLoC), without being overwhelmingly big.
- It comes with a reasonable level of user and developer documentation.
Example usages:
- Allows librarian to add new user
- Allows librarian to list all user
- Allows librarian to edit an existing user
- Allows librarian to find user whose names contain the given keywords
- Allows librarian to delete an existing user
- Allows librarian to create a borrow transaction
- Allows librarian to create a return transaction
- Allows librarian to create a donate transaction
For the detailed documentation of this project, see the MyBookshelf Product Website.
This project is a part of the se-education.org initiative. If you would like to contribute code to this project, see se-education.org for more info.