This project is based on a ROOT
[1] script (essentially C++
) to fit a two-component Lorentzian-type function to the Giant Dipole Electric Resonance (GDER) observed in photonuclear reactions. The data used in this script are from 28Si(γ,xn) photonuclear absorption measurements [2], [3].
This script requires ROOT
to be installed and has been tested with various versions of ROOT-5 and ROOT-6. To run the script, first launch a ROOT
$ root -l
Then exceute the following commands in the C++
interpreter and follow the prompts:
> .L psfSiGDER.C
> reading()
The figure below is an example of the resulting Lorentzian fit to the GDER in 28Si(γ,xn) and the calculated photon strength functions (PSF) utilizing the parametrizations obtained from the fit. The functional form of the fit is known as the Brink-Axel (BA) model (also referred to as the Standard Lorentzian (SLO) model):
$$ f_{E1}(E_{\gamma}) = \frac{1}{3(\pi \hbar c)^{2}} \sum\limits_{i=1}^{N=2} \frac{\sigma_{G_{i}} E_{\gamma} \Gamma_{G_{i}}^{2}}{(E^{2}{\gamma}-E{G_{i}}^{2})^{2} + E_{\gamma}^{2}\Gamma_{i}^{2}}, $$
where the resonance-shape driving parameters
In the figure above, the photonuclear data of Goryachev et al. [3] are used to obtain the fit. The appropriate filename string is declared in the reading
function of the psfSiGDER.C
const std::string iFile = "si28_gxn_goryachev.dat";
The results of the fitted parametrizations are also defined in the MyParameters()
constructor so that these parameters are then used by the PSF models when this constuctor gets called to create an object of the class:
//Deduced fitted parametrizations to Goryachev data
MyParameters::MyParameters(){ EG1 = 20.24; GammaG1 = 4.03; SigmaG1 = 13.45;
EG2 = 27.68; GammaG2 = 6.46; SigmaG2 = 6.92; EK0 = 1.0; }
To use the photonuclear data of Caldwell et al. [2] instead, change the string filename declaration to:
const std::string iFile = "si28_gxn_caldwell.dat";
and then comment out the Goryachev-deduced parameters and uncomment the Caldwell-deduced parametrization of the BA (SLO) model:
//Deduced fitted parametrizations to Caldwell data
MyParameters::MyParameters(){ EG1 = 20.47; GammaG1 = 3.73; SigmaG1 = 9.43;
EG2 = 27.56; GammaG2 = 7.98; SigmaG2 = 2.95; EK0 = 1.0; }
[1] ROOT: Data Analysis Framework;
[2] J.T. Caldwell et al., (γ,n) cross sections of 16O and 28Si, Phys. Lett. 6, 213 (1963);
[3] B.I. Goryachev et al., Structure of (γ,n) Cross Sections in 28Si, 32S, and 40Ca, Yadern. Fiz. 7, 1168 (1968); Soviet J. Nucl. Phys. 7, 698 (1968).
[4] A.M. Hurst et al., Investigation of the tungsten isotopes via thermal neutron capture, Phys. Rev. C 89, 014606 (2014);
[5] A.M. Hurst et al., Radiative-capture cross sections for the 139La(n,γ) reaction using thermal neutrons and structural properties of 140La, Phys. Rev. C 99, 024310 (2019);