• Jaeoha is a chat application that gives users the ability to chat with each other, make group chat, send files to each other and save the session of messages. • The system consists of two applications one for users and the other is the control panel.
• User application: o When the user opens the app he has two options Login in. Sign up. o After entering required data, the user enters to his profile o There are many options for him List of his friends. List of his groups. List of recent chats. List of notifications from admin. Option to make group chat and add friends to it. Option to search for user by his email. Option to add user to friends list. Option to send file. Option to save chat in xml file and open it as html page: Saved chat is placed in xml file in folder test in client application. The application keeps users’ old messages and notifications (histories). The user has the ability to see his profile information and edit them.
steps to run application :
in jaeoha_1 project(Server Application) https://github.com/OmniaSamy/jaeoha-server
2-change user name and password and con variables in DataBaseConnectionHandler In database_connection package .
3- run server.
In jaeoha_client_1 (Client Application)
1-run two clients .
2-sign up .
3-start adding friends and send message and files to them .