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Yii2 client for opentok (


  1. Run the Composer command to install the latest version:

    composer require abushamleh/yii2-opentok "dev-master"
  2. Add the component to config/main.php

    'components' => [
        // ...
        'opentok' => [
            'class'      => 'abushamleh\opentok\Client',
            'api_key'    => 'your api key',
            'api_secret' => 'your secret key',
        // ...

Creating Sessions

To create an OpenTok Session, use the createSession($options) method of the OpenTok\OpenTok class. The $options parameter is an optional array used to specify the following:

  • Setting whether the session will use the OpenTok Media Router or attempt to send streams directly between clients.

  • Setting whether the session will automatically create archives (implies use of routed session)

  • Specifying a location hint.

The getSessionId() method of the OpenTok\Session instance returns the session ID, which you use to identify the session in the OpenTok client libraries.

use OpenTok\MediaMode;
use OpenTok\ArchiveMode;

// Create a session that attempts to use peer-to-peer streaming:
$session = Yii::$app->opentok->createSession();

// A session that uses the OpenTok Media Router, which is required for archiving:
$session = Yii::$app->opentok->createSession(array( 'mediaMode' => MediaMode::ROUTED ));

// A session with a location hint:
$session = Yii::$app->opentok->createSession(array( 'location' => '' ));

// An automatically archived session:
$sessionOptions = array(
    'archiveMode' => ArchiveMode::ALWAYS,
    'mediaMode' => MediaMode::ROUTED
$session = Yii::$app->opentok->createSession($sessionOptions);

// Store this sessionId in the database for later use
$sessionId = $session->getSessionId();

Generating Tokens

Once a Session is created, you can start generating Tokens for clients to use when connecting to it. You can generate a token either by calling the generateToken($sessionId, $options) method of the OpenTok\OpenTok class, or by calling the generateToken($options) method on the OpenTok\Session instance after creating it. The $options parameter is an optional array used to set the role, expire time, and connection data of the Token. For layout control in archives and broadcasts, the initial layout class list of streams published from connections using this token can be set as well.

use OpenTok\Session;
use OpenTok\Role;

// Generate a Token from just a sessionId (fetched from a database)
$token = Yii::$app->opentok->generateToken($sessionId);
// Generate a Token by calling the method on the Session (returned from createSession)
$token = $session->generateToken();

// Set some options in a token
$token = $session->generateToken(array(
    'role'       => Role::MODERATOR,
    'expireTime' => time()+(7 * 24 * 60 * 60), // in one week
    'data'       => 'name=Johnny',
    'initialLayoutClassList' => array('focus')

Working with Streams

You can get information about a stream by calling the getStream($sessionId, $streamId) method of the OpenTok\OpenTok class.

use OpenTok\Session;

// Get stream info from just a sessionId (fetched from a database)
$stream = Yii::$app->opentok->getStream($sessionId, $streamId);

// Stream properties
$stream->id; // string with the stream ID
$stream->videoType; // string with the video type
$stream->name; // string with the name
$stream->layoutClassList; // array with the layout class list

You can get information about all the streams in a session by calling the listStreams($sessionId) method of the OpenTok\OpenTok class.

use OpenTok\Session;

// Get list of streams from just a sessionId (fetched from a database)
$streamList = Yii::$app->opentok->listStreams($sessionId);

$streamList->totalCount(); // total count

Working with Archives

You can only archive sessions that use the OpenTok Media Router (sessions with the media mode set to routed).

You can start the recording of an OpenTok Session using the startArchive($sessionId, $name) method of the OpenTok\OpenTok class. This will return an OpenTok\Archive instance. The parameter $archiveOptions is an optional array and is used to assign a name, whether to record audio and/or video, the desired output mode for the Archive, and the desired resolution if applicable. Note that you can only start an Archive on a Session that has clients connected.

// Create a simple archive of a session
$archive = Yii::$app->opentok->startArchive($sessionId);

// Create an archive using custom options
$archiveOptions = array(
    'name' => 'Important Presentation',     // default: null
    'hasAudio' => true,                     // default: true
    'hasVideo' => true,                     // default: true
    'outputMode' => OutputMode::COMPOSED,   // default: OutputMode::COMPOSED
    'resolution' => '1280x720'              // default: '640x480'
$archive = Yii::$app->opentok->startArchive($sessionId, $archiveOptions);

// Store this archiveId in the database for later use
$archiveId = $archive->id;

If you set the outputMode option to OutputMode::INDIVIDUAL, it causes each stream in the archive to be recorded to its own individual file. Please note that you cannot specify the resolution when you set the outputMode option to OutputMode::INDIVIDUAL. The OutputMode::COMPOSED setting (the default) causes all streams in the archive to be recorded to a single (composed) file.

Note that you can also create an automatically archived session, by passing in ArchiveMode::ALWAYS as the archiveMode key of the options parameter passed into the OpenTok->createSession() method (see "Creating Sessions," above).

You can stop the recording of a started archive using the stopArchive($archiveId) method of the OpenTok\OpenTok object. You can also do this using the stop() method of the OpenTok\Archive instance.

// Stop an Archive from an archiveId (fetched from database)
// Stop an Archive from an Archive instance (returned from startArchive)

To get an OpenTok\Archive instance (and all the information about it) from an archive ID, use the getArchive($archiveId) method of the OpenTok\OpenTok class.

$archive = Yii::$app->opentok->getArchive($archiveId);

To delete an Archive, you can call the deleteArchive($archiveId) method of the OpenTok\OpenTok class or the delete() method of an OpenTok\Archive instance.

// Delete an Archive from an archiveId (fetched from database)
// Delete an Archive from an Archive instance (returned from startArchive, getArchive)

You can also get a list of all the Archives you've created (up to 1000) with your API Key. This is done using the listArchives($offset, $count) method of the OpenTok/OpenTok class. The parameters $offset and $count are optional and can help you paginate through the results. This will return an instance of the OpenTok\ArchiveList class.

$archiveList = Yii::$app->opentok->listArchives();

// Get an array of OpenTok\Archive instances
$archives = $archiveList->getItems();
// Get the total number of Archives for this API Key
$totalCount = $archiveList->totalCount();

For composed archives, you can change the layout dynamically, using the updateArchiveLayout($archiveId, $layoutType) method:

use OpenTok\OpenTok;

$layout Layout::getPIP(); // Or use another get method of the Layout class.
Yii::$app->opentok->updateArchiveLayout($archiveId, $layout);

You can set the initial layout class for a client's streams by setting the layout option when you create the token for the client, using the OpenTok->generateToken() method or the Session->generateToken() method. And you can change the layout classes for a stream by calling the OpenTok->updateStream() method.

Setting the layout of composed archives is optional. By default, composed archives use the "best fit" layout (see Customizing the video layout for composed archives).

For more information on archiving, see the OpenTok archiving developer guide.

Working with Broadcasts

You can only start live streaming broadcasts for sessions that use the OpenTok Media Router (sessions with the media mode set to routed).

Start the live streaming broadcast of an OpenTok Session using the startBroadcast($sessionId, $options) method of the OpenTok\OpenTok class. This will return an OpenTok\Broadcast instance. The $options parameter is an optional array used to assign a layout type for the broadcast.

// Start a live streaming broadcast of a session
$broadcast = Yii::$app->opentok->startBroadcast($sessionId);

// Start a live streaming broadcast of a session, setting a layout type
$options = array(
    'layout' => Layout::getBestFit()
$broadcast = Yii::$app->opentok->startBroadcast($sessionId, $options);

// Store the broadcast ID in the database for later use
$broadcastId = $broadcast->id;

You can stop the live streaming broadcast using the stopBroadcast($broadcastId) method of the OpenTok\OpenTok object. You can also do this using the stop() method of the OpenTok\Broadcast instance.

// Stop a broadcast from an broadcast ID (fetched from database)

// Stop a broadcast from an Broadcast instance (returned from startBroadcast)

To get an OpenTok\Broadcast instance (and all the information about it) from a broadcast ID, use the getBroadcast($broadcastId) method of the OpenTok\OpenTok class.

$broadcast = Yii::$app->opentok->getBroadcast($broadcastId);

You can set change the layout dynamically, using the OpenTok->updateBroadcastLayout($broadcastId, $layout) method:

use OpenTok\OpenTok;

$layout Layout::getPIP(); // Or use another get method of the Layout class.
Yii::$app->opentok->updateBroadcastLayout($broadcastId, $layout);

You can use the Layout class to set the layout types: Layout::getHorizontalPresentation(), Layout::getVerticalPresentation(), Layout::getPIP(), Layout::getBestFit(), Layout::createCustom().

$layoutType = Layout::getHorizontalPresentation();
Yii::$app->opentok->setArchiveLayout($archiveId, $layoutType);

// For custom Layouts, you can do the following
$options = array(
    'stylesheet' => 'stream.instructor {position: absolute; width: 100%;  height:50%;}'

$layoutType = Layout::createCustom($options);
Yii::$app->opentok->setArchiveLayout($archiveId, $layoutType);

You can set the initial layout class for a client's streams by setting the layout option when you create the token for the client, using the OpenTok->generateToken() method or the Session->generateToken() method. And you can change the layout classes for a stream by calling the Yii::$app->opentok->updateStream() method.

Setting the layout of live streaming broadcasts is optional. By default, broadcasts use the "best fit" layout (see Configuring video layout for OpenTok live streaming broadcasts).

For more information on live streaming broadcasts, see the OpenTok live streaming broadcasts developer guide.

Force a Client to Disconnect

Your application server can disconnect a client from an OpenTok session by calling the forceDisconnect($sessionId, $connectionId) method of the OpenTok\OpenTok class.

use OpenTok\OpenTok;

// Force disconnect a client connection
Yii::$app->opentok->forceDisconnect($sessionId, $connectionId);

Sending Signals

Once a Session is created, you can send signals to everyone in the session or to a specific connection. You can send a signal by calling the signal($sessionId, $payload, $connectionId) method of the OpenTok\OpenTok class.

The $sessionId parameter is the session ID of the session.

The $payload parameter is an associative array used to set the following:

  • data (string) -- The data string for the signal. You can send a maximum of 8kB.

  • type (string) -- — (Optional) The type string for the signal. You can send a maximum of 128 characters, and only the following characters are allowed: A-Z, a-z, numbers (0-9), '-', '_', and '~'.

The $connectionId parameter is an optional string used to specify the connection ID of a client connected to the session. If you specify this value, the signal is sent to the specified client. Otherwise, the signal is sent to all clients connected to the session.

use OpenTok\OpenTok;

// Send a signal to a specific client
$signalPayload = array(
    'data' => 'some signal message',
    'type' => 'signal type'
$connectionId = 'da9cb410-e29b-4c2d-ab9e-fe65bf83fcaf';
Yii::$app->opentok->signal($sessionId, $signalPayload, $connectionId);

// Send a signal to everyone in the session
$signalPayload = array(
    'data' => 'some signal message',
    'type' => 'signal type'
Yii::$app->opentok->signal($sessionId, $signalPayload);

For more information, see the OpenTok signaling developer guide.

Working with SIP Interconnect

You can add an audio-only stream from an external third-party SIP gateway using the SIP Interconnect feature. This requires a SIP URI, the session ID you wish to add the audio-only stream to, and a token to connect to that session ID.

To initiate a SIP call, call the dial($sessionId, $token, $sipUri, $options) method of the OpenTok\OpenTok class:

$sipUri = 'sip:[email protected];transport=tls';

$options = array(
  'headers' =>  array(
    'X-CUSTOM-HEADER' => 'headerValue'
  'auth' => array(
    'username' => 'username',
    'password' => 'password'
  'secure' => true,
  'from' => '[email protected]'

Yii::$app->opentok->dial($sessionId, $token, $sipUri, $options);

For more information, see the OpenTok SIP Interconnect developer guide.

Force Disconnect

Your application server can disconnect a client from an OpenTok session by calling the forceDisconnect($sessionId, $connectionId) method of the OpenTok\OpenTok class.

use OpenTok\OpenTok;

// Force disconnect a client connection
Yii::$app->opentok->forceDisconnect($sessionId, $connectionId);

Sending Signals

Once a Session is created, you can send signals to everyone in the session or to a specific connection. You can send a signal by calling the signal($sessionId, $payload, $connectionId) method of the OpenTok\OpenTok class.

The $sessionId parameter is the session ID of the session.

The $payload parameter is an associative array used to set the following:

  • data (string) -- The data string for the signal. You can send a maximum of 8kB.

  • type (string) -- — (Optional) The type string for the signal. You can send a maximum of 128 characters, and only the following characters are allowed: A-Z, a-z, numbers (0-9), '-', '_', and '~'.

The $connectionId parameter is an optional string used to specify the connection ID of a client connected to the session. If you specify this value, the signal is sent to the specified client. Otherwise, the signal is sent to all clients connected to the session.

use OpenTok\OpenTok;

// Send a signal to a specific client
$signalPayload = array(
    'data' => 'some signal message',
    'type' => 'signal type'
$connectionId = 'da9cb410-e29b-4c2d-ab9e-fe65bf83fcaf';
Yii::$app->opentok->signal($sessionId, $signalPayload, $connectionId);

// Send a signal to everyone in the session
$signalPayload = array(
    'data' => 'some signal message',
    'type' => 'signal type'
Yii::$app->opentok->signal($sessionId, $signalPayload);

For more information, see the OpenTok signaling developer guide.


There are three sample applications included in this repository. To get going as fast as possible, clone the whole repository and follow the Walkthroughs:


Reference documentation is available at


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