Software Engineer
- Phone: +919648502976
- Email: [email protected]
As an aspiring Software Engineer, I'm excited to contribute to a team that prioritizes quality services and values. I'm proficient in computer fundamentals and excel in problem-solving through project development and consistent evaluation.
- Languages: Java, C, JavaScript, Kotlin
- Frameworks/Libraries: React.js, Spring Boot
- Databases: MongoDB, MYSQL
- Tools: GitHub, GitLab, Git, version control system, VS Code, Postman, AWS Cloud, Spring Security
- Communication
- Teamwork
- Time Management
- Analytical and Collaborative Skills
- Problem-solving
- Operating Systems
- Low-Level Design
- Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA)
- Database Management
- Testing and Integration
- Deployment
- Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
- Core Java
- Computer Networking
- B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering
- Institution: ABES Engineering College, Ghaziabad (AKTU)
- Max SGPA: 8.56
- Current SGPA: 7.5
- Duration: Nov 2021 - Nov 2025
- Tech Used: JavaScript, React.js, Google Cloud Console, Gemini Flask 1.5, Google Cloud Console, Google Search Engine
- Developed a platform aimed at improving user experiences
- Outcome: Trip planning, insights into historical sites, temples, events, and attractions
- Tech Used: JavaScript, React.js, Google Cloud Console
Health Quiz
Music Player
Gemini Clone
Cab Journey
Youtube Search Optimization
- LeetCode: Maximum Rating – 1502, 200+ problems solved, 10+ contests
- Open Source Contributions: 900+ Commits, 80+ days of consistent coding, 40+ Repositories
- Geeks for Geeks: Top 0.6% in college, 80+ days of consistent coding challenge, 500+ problems solved
- Competitive Programming: Solved over 800 problems
- Coding Ninjas: Gold league
DSA With Java and System Design (Pw Skills)
- Mastered Core Java and Java Backend Concepts, along with DSA and System Design
- Hands-on experience with Hibernate, JDBC, Servlet, Spring, Spring MVC, and Spring Boot
Mastering Spring Boot and AWS (in28Minutes)
- Learned about Spring MVC, Spring Boot, Authentication, Frontend, React.js, and Deploying websites on AWS
Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp (Udemy)
- Proficient in utilizing machine learning tools, Python, and data manipulation techniques
- Skilled in CSV file handling and creating interactive dashboards using Power BI
- Duration: Aug 2023 - Sept 2023
- Projects:
- Music Player: Created a web-based music player application