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Dan Bovey edited this page Jan 28, 2015 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the Disarm wiki!


  1. The player types /disarm join
  2. The player is added to the queue and teleported to the lobby
  3. When more than four players are in the queue, the game countdown starts for 30 seconds
  • The countdown is cancelled if the queue goes below 4 players
  • If the queue has an odd number of players, the countdown is restarted until the queue is even
  1. Players are split into two teams and teleported to the enemy's base
  2. A five second timer counts down until players are allowed out of the spawn zone
  3. Each player is given a bomb, disguised as a random block (to match theme of map)
  4. A 90 second timer counts down the time players have to place their block in the map, for the opposite team to find and disarm
  • If all players are inside their team's bomb squad truck, then the timer is cancelled and the seeking begins.
  1. The teams swap back to the spawn zone in their building and are given a pair of shears with full durability
  2. The team must search through their map, testing blocks to try and find the bombs the other team placed.
  • Every right click with the shears reduces the durability
  • If the shears break the player must return to their spawn zone to pick up a new set and continue searching
  • If a bomb is found, it must be returned to the start of the map and placed in a safe disposal chest
  • Once one team has found all of the bombs and placed them in the safe disposal chest, the other team's base explodes
  1. Each player on the winning team gets tokens
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