Version 3.1.2
Fixed PerformanceHelper for executing test in parallel, more details here
Displaying Performance Results in AppVeyor
Fixed DataDrivenReadException message for ReadDataDriveFileCsv
Overriding browser profile preferences for InternetExplorer (only EnsureCleanSession and IgnoreZoomLevel)
Make kendoSelect locator more flexible, Fixes #64
Catching NullReferenceException while trying to read JavaScript errors from browser
Please notice that if you are not overwriting ProjectTestBase, or App.config files during update of Test Framework nuget package you will have to implement all changes to ProjectTestBase and App.config manually.
Breaking change:
Instance of PerformanceHelper class is now created in DriverContext, that's why two methods were removed from our framework StartPerformanceMeasure() and StopPerformanceMeasure(). If your are not using PerformanceHelper you can just removed both methods from your ProjectTestBase class, otherwise please go here.
ChromeDriver to version 2.36.0,
GeckoDriver to version 0.20.0,
IEDriver to version 3.11.1,
NUnit to version 3.10.1
NUnit.Runners to version 3.8.0
Selenium.WebDriver to version 3.11.0, removed support for PhantomJS,