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Releases: Accenture/Ocaramba

Version 3.1.11

04 Apr 08:28
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Adding specified path to the directory containing drivers in app.config: pathToChromeDriverDirectory, PathToFirefoxDriverDirectory, PathToInternetExplorerDriverDirectory, PathToEdgeDriverDirectory, fixes #98, more details here

Added method CutOutScreenShot, Cut out the screen shot by giving locationX, locationY, elementWidth, elementHeight

Breaking change:

Removed browser type FirefoxPortable and setting ChromePath, use ChromeBrowserExecutableLocation,FireFoxBrowserExecutableLocation from app.config instead

Removed UseDefaultFirefoxProfile flag, use only PathToFirefoxProfile instead

Version 3.1.10

28 Mar 10:55
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Added setting of internetExplorer preferences, fixes #95
Set and execute Angular test for Internet Explorer
Updated "OpenCover" version="4.7.922"
Updated "" version="1.0.0"
removed unused CrossBrowserProfile property
Fixed problem with out of memory exception in method TakeScreenShotOfElement

Version 3.1.9

26 Feb 11:18
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Set DriverContext.CrossBrowserEnvironment as string, Fixes #92
Added method SetRemoteDriverBrowserOptions with dynamic parameter
Added dependency to NUnit3TestAdapter for Features and Nunit package
Downloading the latest version of nuget.exe for build
Fixed problem with executing test on Firefox with SauceLabs
Added passing arguments to Firefox
Enabled test execution on
Removed setting Timeouts in DriverContext for WebDriver

Version 3.1.8

17 Dec 09:11
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Updated Selenium to version 3.141.0
Replaced DesiredCapabilities by Browser Options due to changes in Selenium 3.14.0
Fixed problem with starting FireFox or Chrome with extension
Downloading Selenium Grid by appveyor.yml
Start and kill Selenium Grid in background
Added possibility to run test on Android and iPhone with CloudProvider
Run CloudProviderCrossBrowser tests with Selenium Grid
Run NUnit example tests with Selenium Grid

Version 3.1.7

13 Sep 06:25
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Added GetElements - Finds and waits for LongTimeout timeout for minimum number of elements that are enabled and displayed

Added reference to System.Configuration for NUnit package

Added log info for Taking Screenshot

Updated "EWSoftware.SHFB" version="2018.7.8.1, "Magick.NET-Q16-AnyCPU" version=""

Replaced FireFoxProfile by FirefoxOptions, installed geckodriver 64 bit

Added tests for coverage

Version 3.1.6

11 Jul 12:13
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Added TakeScreenShotOfElement method for visual capturing, more details here
Added test example of comparing screenshot of elements using ImageMagick , more details here
Added DragAndDropJs
Added dependency to NPOI for NUnit project
Fixed bug in setting name of test in ReadDataDriveFileCsv
Added TestData, ProjectBaseConfiguration classes for NUnit nuget package as content
Added method RemoveSpecialCharacters

Version 3.1.5

22 Jun 10:31
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Added possibility to set Arguments for Firefox to set e.g. headless mode
Updated casting when EnableEventFiringWebDriver, Fixes #78
Added method FilesHelper.DeleteFile
Added unit tests for FilesHelper class, fixed bug in RenameFile method
Added unit test WaitForFileOfGivenName ExceptionTest
Fixed bug in Table.GetTable() method.

Version 3.1.4

24 May 09:45
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Changed DriverContext due to SpecFlow support for execution tests using testing Cloud Providers:
-added properties crossBrowserProfile and crossBrowserEnvironment
Renamed BrowserStack subproject to CloudProvider
Added settings to App.config for
Added settings to App.config for SauceLabs
Fixed static code analyses SonarQube errors
Added PreBuildEvent to kill chromedriver, IEDriverServer and geckodriver for Common subproject
Try-Finally block for DriverContext cleanup in AfterTest method only for SpecFlow

Updated geckodriver to version 0.20.0

Version 3.1.3

27 Mar 09:36
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Expose the DriverOptions using an event (DriverOptionsSet) by @vamsitp. Fixes #68. More details here

Sandcastle Help File Builder to v 2017.12.30.2

Version 3.1.2

19 Mar 09:03
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Fixed PerformanceHelper for executing test in parallel, more details here
Displaying Performance Results in AppVeyor
Fixed DataDrivenReadException message for ReadDataDriveFileCsv
Overriding browser profile preferences for InternetExplorer (only EnsureCleanSession and IgnoreZoomLevel)
Make kendoSelect locator more flexible, Fixes #64
Catching NullReferenceException while trying to read JavaScript errors from browser

Please notice that if you are not overwriting ProjectTestBase, or App.config files during update of Test Framework nuget package you will have to implement all changes to ProjectTestBase and App.config manually.

Breaking change:

Instance of PerformanceHelper class is now created in DriverContext, that's why two methods were removed from our framework StartPerformanceMeasure() and StopPerformanceMeasure(). If your are not using PerformanceHelper you can just removed both methods from your ProjectTestBase class, otherwise please go here.

ChromeDriver to version 2.36.0,
GeckoDriver to version 0.20.0,
IEDriver to version 3.11.1,
NUnit to version 3.10.1
NUnit.Runners to version 3.8.0
Selenium.WebDriver to version 3.11.0, removed support for PhantomJS,