Created a complete Decentralized Election application from scratch using Ethereum blockchain.
- Node.js
- React JS
- Next.js
- Semantic UI
- Solidity
- Web3.js to compile and deploy the smart contracts
- JavaScript(Mocha)
The app requires the use of two other technologies:
- Metamask(to interact with the blockchain)
- Ganache (to deploy the blockchain to local network)
To deploy the app on a development blockchain, feel free to use Infura.
Clone the app, and run
npm install
to install all the dependencies.
Compile the script using node ethereum/compile.js
And deploy the script on ganache test network by running node ethereum/deploy.js
. Make sure that your ganache is running when you use this command.
Copy the address, and replace it in the address file, and in the election.js file.
Run the command npm run dev
and go to localhost:3002. Your Dapp is up and running!