The project consists of the following pages
- A Landing page.
- Admin Login page and Registration page.
- Participant Registration and Login page.
- Participant dashboard.
- Admin dashboard.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
First you need to install xampp.
- download xampp here Xampp download for windows, mac os and ubuntu Steps to install and setup xampp:-
- For Windows
- For Mac OS
- For Ubuntu If you don't want to use xampp you can also use,
- LAMP For Ubuntu
- MAMP For Mac OS
- EasyPHP
- Final Words
- Clone the project to your local machine using the given code in the Git terminal. **git clone
- Then Copy this file to the httdocs folder in the xampp folder.
- Check whether MySQL and Apache are up and running by starting them using the xampp control panel.
- Then open ur browser and type http://localhost/Event_Registration_website/LandingPage.html
- Open your browser and paste this url http://localhost/phpmyadmin/
- Create a database with name as event_registration. Then create a table named as admin in the database. create four colums one each for id, username, email and password.
- In the same database create a table with name as participant. Create four colums one each for id, username, email and password.
- In the same database also create a table with name as events. Create four colums one each for id, title, header and body.
- Once you have done the above mentioned steps the project will be up and running in your local machine.