Simple IR Receiver using an Arduino Nano for WinLIRC and the IRMan.dll plugin This, of course, should work for LIRC as well.
Sends received IR code as bytes across USB-Serial following the IRMan protocol.
0: Header (set to identify remote)
1: Unique button code
2-4: Should be 0x00, but sends rest of code incase of button overlap - IRMan.dll doesn't seem to mind...
Run ".\IRRecord.exe -d IRMan.dll ..\config.cfg" to configure WinLIRC configuration file after uploading this firmware to your IR receiver board (this board). Follow the instructions to setup your remote's unique button IR codes. Use a program called 'EventGhost' for further functionality.
Arduino Nano
A SM0038 or TSMP1138 IR Receiver or similar. Has missing pin (space) between GND,VCC and Signal.
Simply connect GND to GND, VCC to 5V, and the Signal Pin to a digital input of your choice (default: 2)