I made this repository under the assumption that the screensavers I added and later deleted bloated the project because git had to retain those files in the circumstance that someone checked out to a past commit sha.
Assumtion verified, here is the proof:
This project can be found at: https://github.com/js-talk-menubar-application/js_menubar_Dynamic_Wallpaper
Note To Self: early development. This repository is being developed with forks as a bridge node.
Click through to the specific organization and make changes on that branch.
For our purposes, "MenuBar" Desktop Application.
Inital files that need manipulation
Here is a nice example for beginners:
vi index.js atom index.js atom index.html atom main.js atom package.json npm install -g opener npm install if "Cannot find module 'electron' from '/Users/michaeldimmitt/js_menubar_attempt'" npm install --save-dev electron electron-packager .
In one command, rebuild: electron-packager . --overwrite; open dyna-dynamic-walpaper-darwin-x64/dyna-dynamic-walpaper.app/
Copyright (c) 2017, Michael Dimmitt
Access granted upon approved request.