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African Elephant Database

This is the web application for the African Elephant Database (

Hosting Stack

  • Application Server: DigitalOcean One-click app Dokku Droplet with Nginx/Puma
  • Database: DigitalOcean One-click app Dokku Droplet with PostgreSQL 9.6, PostGIS 2.4
  • Memcached: DigitalOcean One-click app Dokku Droplet with Memcached
  • Email Delivery: AWS Simple Email Service
  • DNS: AWS Route53

NOTE: The application server, database server, and memcached server are all hosted on a single Droplet in their own containers. This droplet also hosts all the environments (production, staging, dev, etc.).

Docker Development Environment Setup

  • Install Docker and Docker Compose
  • Create the .env file per instructions in the "Development Environment Setup" below
  • Spin up the containerized environment
    • docker-compose up -d
    • *NOTE: if you have issues you can always docker-compose down && docker-compose up -d
  • Set up the database
    • createdb -h -U postgres -p 6543 aed_development
    • createuser -h -U postgres -p 6543 --superuser root
  • Load the most recent dump into the DB
    • pg_restore -U postgres -h -p 6543 -d aed_development --verbose <dump file>
    • NOTE: if this fails just run the above command multiple times until it doesn't fail
  • View the local development site
    • Open http://localhost:3000 in a web browser

Docker Development Environment helpful commands

  • To tail logs:
    • docker-compose logs -f
  • To destroy the local database (if a clean setup is desired):
    • docker volume rm aed-platform_db_storage
  • To rebuild app container (needed if adding gems to Gemfile):
    • docker-compose build app

Development Environment Setup

  • Clone the repository
  • Install Ruby and Bundler
  • Install PostgreSQL 9.6
  • Install PostGIS 2.5 (
    • sudo apt install postgresql-9.6-postgis-2.5
  • Install the GEOS library. This library must be installed before bundle install (or before the "rgeo" GEM is installed)
    • sudo apt install libgeos-dev
    • If shapefile imports fail then reinstall rgeo:
      • gem uninstall rgeo, sudo apt install libgeos-dev, gem install rgeo
  • bundle install
  • rake db:create
  • Load the database: use a production copy or rake db:reset to get an empty database.
  • Prepare the "test" database: bundle exec rake db:reset RAILS_ENV=test
    • Run tests: rake
  • Create a '.env' file at the root of the project with the following variables:
    • Fill in the blanks with your development values.
    • It is recommended you create your own reCAPTCHA key/secret for your development environment here
    • See aed_env.rb for complete list of environment variables.

Setup DigitalOcean Droplet

  • Login into the AED account on DigitalOcean.
  • Click Create then select Droplets.
  • Click on One-click apps.
  • Choose an image:
    • Select Dokku 0.12.13 on 18.04 (or whatever the latest versions are).
  • Choose a size:
    • $40/mo
    • 8 GB / 4 CPUs
    • 160 GB SSD disk
    • 5 TB transfer
  • Add backups:
    • Enable this.
  • Add block storage:
    • Skip this section.
  • Choose a datacenter region:
    • Select Frankfurt
  • Select additional options:
    • Select Monitoring
  • Add your SSH key:
    • Add or select your SSH key.
  • Finalize and create:
    • How many Droplets?: 1
    • Choose a hostname:
  • Click the Create button.
  • Wait for the Droplet to be created and started.
  • Open the Droplet’s IP address in your web browser.
      • Public Key: Enter your key unless already populated.
      • Hostname:
      • Select Use virtualhost naming for apps
    • Click Finish Setup
  • Log into the AED AWS Console and open Route53.
  • Open the record set for
  • Change each of the records so they point to the IP address of the newly created Droplet.

Create a New Application Instance

  • SSH into the Droplet: ssh [email protected]
  • Copy the script to the droplet.
  • Run the create-app script: ./
  • Follow the prompts in the script.
  • Add a git remote for the new instance. The script will print out the command to run.
  • Push your code to the new instance.
    • Example: git push production master


  1. Add the GIT remotes:
  2. Push your branch to a specific remote:
    • Production:git push production master
    • Staging: git push staging master
    • Or push a specific branch: git push production my-branch:master

Note: This application uses multiple buildpacks. The GEOS buildpack is located at:


  • The Droplet will be configured to take complete backups once a week.
    • This is standard feature that DigitalOcean provides for an extra fee.
  • All non-Droplet backups will be stored on AWS S3 in the aed-server-backups bucket. Under this bucket each app will have its own folder where the backup files are stored.
  • The PostgreSQL database backups are scheduled to run daily (12AM for staging and 3AM for production) and will be stored on S3.
    • This backup is scheduled via the Postgres Dokku plugin and runs via cron (list details via dokku postgres:backup-schedule-cat <staging|production>).
  • The application's storage folder (/var/lib/dokku/data/storage/<app-name>) is scheduled to run daily at 3AM and will be stored on S3.
    • This backup is scheduled via the root users cron in /etc/cron.d/storage-backup-<app-name>
    • This folder is mapped to the application’s container and currently stores:
      • population_submission_attachments


All commands should be run as the root user unless stated otherwise.

  • SSH into the server: ssh [email protected]
    • Note: You must have a certificate key installed on your system and on the Droplet to gain access.
  • List running instances: dokku apps:list
  • Restart an app: dokku ps:restart <app-name>
    • Example: dokku ps:restart production
    • Note: Each application will be automatically restarted every day at midnight.
  • Restart a database: dokku postgres:restart <app-name>
    • Example: dokku postgres:restart production
  • List Docker containers: docker container ls
  • Manually Backup Postgresql: dokku postgres:backup <app-name> aed-server-backups/<app-name>
    • Example: dokku postgres:backup production aed-server-backups/production
    • Note: You should never have to do this since the backups happen automatically every night.
  • Manually Backup the storage directory:
    • /home/dokku/<app-name>/
      • Example: /home/dokku/production/
      • Note: You should never have to do this since the backups happen automatically every night.
  • Database information dokku postgres:info <production|staging|dev>
  • Expose a database connection dokku postgres:expose <production|staging|dev> <ports...>
  • Un-expose a database connection (recommended after done accessing) dokku postgres:unexpose <production|staging|dev>
  • Tail application logs dokku logs <production|staging|dev> --tail
  • Set/update an environment variable dokku config:set <production|staging|dev> ENV="VALUE"

File Paths

  • /home/dokku/<app-name>
    • Root directory for each application.
  • /home/dokku/<app-name>/backups
    • Backups directory (per application). The "storage" backups will be created in this directory then uploaded to S3. This directory cleans itself out every time it syncs with S3.
  • /home/dokku/<app-name>/
    • Script that backs up the "storage" directory.
  • /var/lib/dokku/data/storage/<app-name>
    • Mounted storage location (per application).
    • /var/lib/dokku/data/storage/<app-name>/volumes/public/system/population_submission_attachments
      • Holds all the "Population Submission Attachments". This is mapped to /app/public/system in the container.
  • /etc/cron.d
    • Cron jobs for each app:
      • restart-<app-name>
        • Cron job for nightly application restarts.
      • storate-backup-<app-name>
        • Cron job for nightly "storage" backups.
      • dokku-postgres-<app-name>
        • Cron job for nightly PostgreSQL database backups.
  • /etc/nginx/conf.d/00-default-vhost.conf
    • Nginx custom configuration.

Helpful tasks

  • To update the phenotype dropdown for submissions update this line


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