Call in nvim :lua print(vim.fn.stdpath('config'))
and get nvim config path
Clone to config dir repo
git clone #path to config
Have a nice day!!! ヽ(・∀・)ノ
init.lua --> all requires, init some globals(maybe move to a separate one), bootstrapping lazy.nvim plug manager
option.lua --> all nvim options
autocmd.lua --> autocmd
mappings.lua --> all mappings 4real
opts/ --> options for plugin that needed 4 configuration ( yes i manualy require them in plug specs folder )
plugin/ --> lazy.nvim plugin list
colorscheme.lua --> current collorscheme
file-manager.lua --> current file manager
completion.lua --> all about completion ( also snippets )
plugin.bak/ --> You shouldn't have seen it.
snippets/ --> where ur dreams of snippet come true ( someday it won't just be a dream and someday is now!!! )
syntax/ --> auto correction 4 nvim
ftplugin/ --> maybeee file type plugin ( currently shes empty d(╥‸╥) )