This Repo contains the implementation of some AUTOSAR modules. All drivers/modules wrote to run on TivaC(TM4C123GH6PM) board.
I have implemented some modules according to AUTOSAR standards. I have implemented:
DIO module: The DIO Driver provides services for reading and writing to/from:
- DIO Channels (Pins)
- DIO Ports
- DIO Channel Groups
This module works on pins and ports which are configured by the PORT driver for this purpose. For this reason, there is no configuration and initialization of this port structure in the DIO Driver. You can find the software requirements and software specifications of DIO driver here
PORT Driver module: This module shall provide the service for initializing the whole PORT structure of the microcontroller. Many ports and port pins can be assigned to various functionalities, e.g.
- General purpose I/O
- etc
Until now, we only implemented it to configure any port as General purpose I/O(DIO) port. You can find the software requirements and software specifications of PORT driver here