This is a C++ driver for the BMI323 tri-axis accelerometer/gyroscope. It was developed on a NUCLEO-H723ZG
development board using MbedCE on a windows computer.
The goal is to have compability with both SPI and I2C. For my purposes, it sufficies to have compatability for it's gyro, accel, and temp sensor.
You'll need CMake, ARM's bare-metal toolchain, and a Generator for your binaries (Ninja is recommended, but you can use make, mingw32-makefiles, or whatever tickles your fancy).
the Mbed-os wiki provides great setup guides for these!
If you like debugging via VS code, there are also environment/toolchain setup guides:
You will also need a serial terminal. I recommend using something like TeraTerm for windows or Minicom for Mac/Linux.
We made the dev-board for the BMI323 ourselves on Altium. We found the NUCLEO dev-board schematics after some laborious digging through the St resources folders (they hid the schematics under CAD resources???). Go under schematic pack and you get a sense for where we determined the PinNames for our driver testing:
To test out and run the code in this repository, make a build
directory under where you cloned this repo. Depending on the generator you use, you can change the parameter following the -G
flag. I am using a STLink to flash my code, so I am prepending the -DUPOAD_METHOD=STM32CUBE
flag. You will also have to change the parameter following the -DMBED_TARGET
flag according to your CPU. I am using the STM32H723ZG
. You can find your appropriate target under the mbed-os
folder, and navigating to the targets
You can learn more about upload methods here:
If you have a custom target, you can also take a look at the MbedCE Wiki:
run the following command in your build directory (replace the upload method and target accordingly):
You will then be able to run the test suite and attempt to read from the IC (provided you have your pins connected correctly) via:
ninja flash-test_BMI323