This project gives you an example of integrating dbt (Data build tool) with Apache Airflow using Astronomer Cosmos.
- Run your dbt Core projects as Apache Airflow® DAGs and Task Groups with a few lines of code. Benefits include:
- Run dbt projects against Airflow connections instead of dbt profiles
- Native support for installing and running dbt in a virtual environment to avoid dependency conflicts with Airflow
- Run tests immediately after a model is done to catch issues early
- Utilize Airflow’s data-aware scheduling to run models immediately after upstream ingestion
- Turn each dbt model into a task/task group complete with retries, alerting, etc.
- Docker: Install Docker
- Docker Compose: Install Docker Compose
Clone repo:
git clone [email protected]:Simarglok/airflow_cosmos_demo.git cd airflow_cosmos_demo
if you need:
To run project using Docker Compose, execute following commands:
Build containers:
docker-compose build
Run the containers in the background:
docker-compose up -d
To view logs:
docker-compose logs -f
Stopping the containers:
docker-compose stop
Restart containers:
docker-compose restart
Connect to conteiner:
docker exec -it container_name /bin/bash
Remove all containers and networks:
docker-compose down --volumes --remove-orphans
First unpause dbt_docs_generator DAG to generate dbt documentation including manifest.json file
Second unpause dbt_simple_task_group DAG to run dbt project
Also you can try dbt_simple_bash to see how it works in old way with BashOperator
dbt Docs will be available in Airflow UI menu:
├── docker-compose.yml # Docker Compose configuration
├── .env # Environment variables
├── dags/ # Airflow DAG's with Cosmos
├── dbt/ # Jaffle Shop dbt project
├── Dockerfile # Docker file based on apache/airflow:2.9.2-python3.12 image
├── requirements.txt # Additional requirements for Airflow
├── requirements_dbt_venv.txt # Requirements for dbt's virtual environment
└── # Project documentstion
Apache 2.0