This repository contains a small C++ test for developper that want to join the labs team.
The program term_frequency received in argument a file path.
The program parsed the file in tokens and it computes the frequency of the term in the file.
The goal of the exercise is to complete the implementation of the class FrequencyCounter
A simple Tokenizer is provided.
A CMake file is provided.
- implement FrequencyCounter
- count term frequency
- print summary of term frequency
term_frequency FILE_PATH
It's totally optional but if you use VS code. This may be usefull.
A launch.json file is provided. In VS code the extension C/C++, C/C++ Extension Pack, C/C++ Themes, CMake, CMakeTools, CodeLLDB
Once the projet is opened
- CMake: Configure
- CMake: Build Target
- Debug: Start Debugging