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Henrik Feldt edited this page Jan 8, 2018 · 15 revisions

This task type will automatically construct nuget packages for each of the projects you've given it as an Enumerable (the assignment to #files).

The project's <Name /> element will map to the id and title nuspec attributes, unless an Id element has been given, in which case it will map to the id nuspec attribute, and <Title /> to the title nuspec attribute.

nugets_pack :create_nugets do |p|
  p.configuration = 'Release'
  p.files   = FileList['src/**/*.{csproj,fsproj,nuspec}'].
  p.output = 'build/pkg'
  p.exe     = '.paket/paket.exe'
  m = p.metadata
  m.description = 'A cool nuget'
  m.authors = 'Henrik'
  m.version = ENV['NUGET_VERSION']
  m.add_dependency "NugetId", "[1.0.0)"

The available metadata properties are in the nuspec specification. Translate the camel case property to snake case. You can also browse the albacore code to a list.

nugets_pack Config##no_project_dependencies

Cancel following of references between projects that cause nugets_pack to find and add as nuget dependencies, linked projects.

building a nuget symbol package

nugets_pack :create_nugets do |p|

if you have nuget gem installed

Instead of having nuget in your source you can depend on the nuget gem So in the above example you can replace "p.exe" with "p.nuget_gem_exe":

nugets_pack :create_nugets do |p|

And in your gemfile add the line:

gem 'nuget'

in addition to albacore.

Opting out of prefixing mono to your executable

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