This repo contains the code structure used for the detection of the corners of a wrinkled towel.
Create conda environment
$ conda create -n ENVIRONMENT_NAME python=3
$ conda activate ENVIRONMENT_NAME
Clone and install requirements
$ git clone [email protected]:AlbertMitjans/pytorch-corner-detection.git
$ cd pytorch-corner-detection/
$ conda install --file requirements.txt
Evaluates the model on the dataset.
$ python3 --train False --ckpt checkpoints/best_ckpt/model.pth
As default, for every case, the depth, the output, and the rgb are saved in the output/ folder.
Testing log
* Recall(%): 54.830 * Precision(%): (97.727, 79.804, 41.202, 14.815)
The precision is computed for the (1, 2, 3, 4) corners detected with highest confidence (the gaussians with a highest value on its center).
Trains the network from scratch or from a given ckpt.
$ python3
Training log
Epoch: [5][300/312] Loss.avg: 0.3615 Recall(%): 21.622 Precision num. corners (%): (22.591, 18.563, 15.833, 16.809)
Track training progress in Tensorboard:
- Initialize training
- Run the command below inside the pytorch-corner-detection directory.
- Go to http://localhost:6006/
$ tensorboard --logdir='logs' --port=6006
Watch the output of the network in real-time by connecting a depth camera.
Capture images to increase the size of the dataset.
In order to work with the encoded images received by the camera, we need to convert them to OpenCV images using the cv_bridge package. In python 3, this package is not compatible with rospy, therefore I created another repository which implements this in python 2.
--train (default:True) : if True/False, training/testing is implemented.
--val_data (default:True) : if True/False, all/validation data will be evaluated.
--save_imgs (default:True) : if True output images will be saved in the \Output folder.
--batch_size (default:1)
--depth (default:True) : if True/False, depth/RGB images will be used.
--num_epochs (default:200)