This release is an archive for the work done over Summer 2020. In general, this purpose of this release is getting this application to work with AlbertaSat's FreeRTOS "SatelliteSim" and service-oriented architecture.
- Integration with the AlbertaSat repos "ex2_services" and "ex2_ground_station_software"; the generic "satellite_simulator" Python module that comes with this app has been disconnected. These two other repos are now connected to this app via and the Cubesat Space Protocol library. i.e. The app will try to send commands to a running ex2_services docker container instead of satellite_simulator.
- A Dockerfile to install and run the app using Docker.
- A small command line script for users to control the app (makes requests to the API).
- Now uses Github Actions for CI and testing.
- Markdown instructions have been updated.