Potion and Contamination Update
by Taboret:
Updated Polish Translation
by Alcater
Added Inventory contamination
Added Tooltip info to armor mods
Added rads to magnetized tungsten
Added Digamma Diagnostic Gui
Added clay recipe
Added Suger, Gunpowder, Redstone, Glowstone textures
Added floor layer to Sellaline Room in Meteor Dungeon
Added paa_helmet
Added Restone recipe
Added WasteSand and red version
Added WasteGravel
Added Blastresist effect to paa armor
Added RadGen entries for new waste
Added Potions to NTM Effects
Added Supershotgun recipe
Added colors to gun ammo and durability
Added Waterbreathing to armors
Changed the Teleporter to be mostly like in 1.7.10
Changed tab icons like in 1.7.10
Changed Refinery itemtime by x0.5
Changed Refinery Tank capacity
Changed Rad values debris
Changed contamination code to only effect items with count 1
Changed name of Tainted Heart to Ghoulification
Changed Gluon Gun to double dmg every 2s on target
Changed orders of Blocks
Changed default Fallout chunk Speed
Changed default meteor speed
Changed size of rbmk blowup effect particle
Changed paa recipes and textures
Changed some thruster powers
Changed hazmat powers
Changed koeff from 5 to 10
Changed Selline fluid block to be less replacable
Changed hash code to be like in 1.7.10
Changed Mirvs to split at the highest point and split less extreme
Fixed too extreme telekinesis
Fixed Jetpacks ignoring keybings
Fixed some gas block lagg
Fixed Digamma Debris ticking
Fixed leaf remove crash FINALLY
Fixed unusable items when contamination is active
Fixed nuke flash
Fixed geiger counter sounds
Fixed polish translation by Taboret
Fixed Artillery Lang grammar
Fixed Fallout model
Fixed Chemplant Wood OreDict Recipe
Fixed Fracking Solution Drain