Escape Room 404 is a virtual escape room designed by Factoria F5 to assess the competencies of candidates during their selection process.
The project was developed with the following technologies
- Laravel Framework
- Laravel Sanctum
- Laravel Tinker
- Pusher PHP Server
- GuzzleHttp
- Tymon JWT Auth
- Postman
- Axios
- Bootstrap
- Framer Motion
- Prop-Types
- Pusher-js
- React
- React-Bootstrap
- React-DOM
- React-Hook-Form
- React-Router-DOM
- Styled-Components
- Sweetalert
- Vite-Plugin-Svgr
- Babel
- Jest
To install and run the backend of Escape Room 404, please follow the steps below:
1- Ensure that you have PHP 8.0.2 or higher and Composer installed on your machine.
2- Clone the repository from GitHub.
3- Navigate to the root directory of the project in your terminal.
4- Run composer install
to install all the necessary dependencies.
5- Copy the .env.example file to a new file named .env, and update the configuration variables as needed.
6- Run php artisan key:generate
to generate an application key.
7- Run php artisan migrate
to run the database migrations.
8- To start the development server, use the command php artisan serve
. This will start a local development server on http://localhost:8000/.
9- To build the project for production, you can use a tool like Laravel Forge or Laravel Envoyer to deploy your application to a production server. Alternatively, you can use a cloud hosting platform like Heroku to host your application.
To install and run the frontend of Escape Room 404, please follow the steps below:
1- Ensure that you have Node.js installed on your machine. You can download it from the official website.
2- Clone the repository from GitHub.
3- Navigate to the root directory of the project in your terminal.
4- Run npm install
to install all the necessary dependencies.
5- To run the development server, use the command npm run dev
. This will start a local development server on http://localhost:3000/.
6- To build the project for production, use the command npm run build
. This will create a dist directory with the compiled code.
7- To preview the production build, use the command npm run preview
- Node.js: v14.16.1
- npm: 6.14.12
- React: 18.2.0
- Laravel: 9.19
- PHP: 8.0.2
- @vitejs/plugin-react: 3.1.0
- laravel-vite-plugin: 0.7.2
- vite-plugin-svgr: 2.4.0
To handle any enquiries contact
Gary Lima
Rodrigo Fernández
Carla Luppi
Alejandra Morales Cuitiño
federico gatti
We'll fill this field when you ask something
This project was developed as the final presentation of the P5.2022-23 class of the Full Stack bootcamp at Factoria F5.
- Figma
- Notion
- GitHub
- Digital Ocean
- Agile and SCRUM.
- Pair programming.