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ROS2 Packages for Distributed Multi-Sensor Object Detection and Tracking in autonomous vehicle scenario.


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ROS2 Packages for distributed multi-sensor Object Detection and Tracking in autonomous vehicle scenario.

This repository contains the code for the tracking algorithm developed in the paper
'Heterogeneous Data Fusion for Accurate Road User Tracking: A Distributed Multi-Sensor Collaborative Approach'.

Everything is implemented within ROS2 Foxy to allow an easier integration in real scenarios offering packages for detection, tracking and testing.

Custom map with 3D bounding boxes


This work presents the design and validation of a distributed multi-sensor object tracking algorithm designed to integrate heterogeneous sensory data from multiple static acquisition stations. The primary challenge addressed is the accurate tracking of targets in complex urban environments, where occlusions and the dynamic nature of traffic frequently hinder detection and tracking efforts. This challenge is particularly relevant in multimodal exchange areas, where vehicular traffic merges with heavy pedestrian and bicycle flow. We also address the scenario of delayed detection, which can easily occur when data from multiple stations are combined or when intensive data processing is performed. Our algorithm ensures high coverage and accuracy by maintaining dual Extended Kalman Filter states for each object, thus allowing for the assimilation of delayed detections and preserving optimal filter estimates at all times. The results of the proposed pipeline, tested using a digital twin of the Milano Bovisa Campus, demonstrate its efficacy, achieving high tracking precision across various scenarios and sensor combinations. Moreover, the results highlight the advantages of a distributed multi-sensor acquisition system compared to a single central station.


Download the necessary ros packages in the usual way

sudo apt install ros-distro-package

for example:

sudo apt install ros-foxy-vision-msgs

In the following, a list of dependencies not related to ROS2 is given for each of the packages.

BB Detection

Python packages:

  • opencv-python
  • numpy
  • ultralytics

BB Tracker


Download the repository and add the location to the CMakeLists file.

BB Utils

Download the repositories and add the locations to the CMakeLists file

Lidar detector

Within the repository is present also an attempt to integrate two different types of lidar detector.

If you want to download the dependencies for Pointpillars follow the instructions at NVIDIA ROS2 TAO Pointpillars, the main dependencies are:

If you want to work with VISTA you can build the docker container without further requirements.



Before run

Clone the repository in a ROS2 workspace

git clone

Build first the bb_interfaces package

colcon build --packages-select bb_interfaces

Build the packages with symlink-install

colcon build --symlink-install

Source the overlay

source /.../workspace/install/


source /.../workspace/install/local_setup.zsh


Set the environmental variable BAG_DIR pointing at the directory where you store the bag files. Some of the launch files use this variable to easily locate the bag files to run.
There is no need to do this if you are not using the launch files to run the detectors or the tracker on a bag.

export BAG_DIR=/path_to_directory/bag_files/

How to use


Simply launch the tracker passing the config file and open RViz to visualize the result.

ros2 launch bb_tracker

If you want the tracker to operate on a bag with already registered detections type:

ros2 launch bb_tracker bag_name:=custom_bag

Detect & Track

Launch the Tracker with the Detectors on a custom bag.

ros2 launch bb_tracker bag_name:=custom_bag

The launch file will search for a bag at the path specified within the environmental variable BAG_DIR.

Detect on bag

Launch the Detectors on a custom bag and register a new bag with detections. The bag registered in this way is slowed down, in order to make it easier to register all the messages from a bag to another and give time to the different detectors to publish their messages.

ros2 launch bb_detection bag_name:=custom_bag

To bring back the bag to the right speed use the rewrite_bag_timestamps executable from bb_utils package:

ros2 run bb_utils rewrite_bag_timestamps /path/to/custom_bag /path/to/new_bag -a

Evaluate the Tracker

Launch the tracker on a bag with registered detections and start the benchmark and visualizer node to study the behaviour of the tracker.

ros2 launch bb_utils bag_name:=custom_bag


In the following the results obtained in simulation.

Metric V1 V2 V3
TP 20157 343716 47559
FP 315 45427 8218
FN 89 6177 11098
IDS 3852 65586 1953
GT 20246 349893 58657
------- -------- -------- --------
DetA 0.9804 0.8695 0.7112
LocA 0.8552 0.7840 0.7751
AssA 0.8702 0.7668 0.7829
------- -------- -------- --------
DetRe 0.9956 0.9823 0.8108
DetPr 0.9846 0.8833 0.8527
DetF1 0.9901 0.9302 0.8312
AssRe 0.8081 0.7226 0.8494
AssPr 0.9965 0.9796 0.9919
AssF1 0.8925 0.8317 0.9152
------- -------- -------- --------
MOTP 0.1448 0.2160 0.2249
MOTA 0.7898 0.6651 0.6374
------- -------- -------- --------
HOTA 0.8055 0.6617 0.5949

Comparison of evaluation metrics for Multi-Object Tracking in different sensor scenarios. The values refer to tests performed in a simulation environment.

V1 = Three sensor stations with only lidar (noisy ground truth).
V2 = Three sensor stations with lidar, RGB and thermal (semantic segmentation) cameras.
V3 = One sensor station with lidar, RGB and thermal (semantic segmentation) cameras.


Part of the code takes inspiration from ByteTrack. Many thanks for their inspiring works.


ROS2 Packages for Distributed Multi-Sensor Object Detection and Tracking in autonomous vehicle scenario.




