This Project selects products from a popular super-market. The scraped data are in Here.
Contains 6 categories:
1. Fresh Food
2. Fridge Items
3. Drinks
4. Pet
5. Personal Care
6. Home Items
AB.csv with columns
1. category
2. name
3. producer
4. url
5. price
6. barcode
RandomPeople.csv with columns
1. id
2. first_name
3. last_name
4. email
5. gender
6. SSN
1. $ pip install scrapy
2. $ git clone
3. $ cd alex
4. $ scrapy crawl ab -o ab.csv -t csv
(if you want no output add "--nolog" at the end of (4.))
1. Eleni Karanikola
2. Alexandros Kyriakakis