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lukem12345 authored Oct 14, 2024
2 parents 609f330 + d0a896f commit 61cce2d
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Showing 11 changed files with 657 additions and 774 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .buildkite/
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Expand Up @@ -8,4 +8,5 @@ echo "Running Tests..."
julia --project -t 16 -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.status(); Pkg.test()'

echo "Building Documentation..."

julia --project=docs -t 16 -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.develop(PackageSpec(path=pwd())); Pkg.status(); Pkg.instantiate(); include("docs/make.jl")'
27 changes: 12 additions & 15 deletions .buildkite/pipeline.yml
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@@ -1,24 +1,21 @@
GATAS_HOME: "~/.gatas/buildkite/agents/$BUILDKITE_AGENT_NAME"


- label: ":hammer: Build Project"
- "module load julia"
- "julia --project=docs --color=yes -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.update(); Pkg.develop(PackageSpec(path=pwd())); Pkg.instantiate(); Pkg.precompile()'"

- wait
- label: ":arrow_down: Load AlgebraicJulia pipeline"
command: |
curl -s | buildkite-agent pipeline upload
- label: ":scroll: Build docs and run tests"
- wait

- label: ":racehorse: Build docs and run tests on A100 GPU partition"
- "srun --cpus-per-task=16 --mem=64G --time=1:00:00 --output=.buildkite/log_%j.log --unbuffered .buildkite/"
- "srun --cpus-per-task=16 --mem=16G --gres=gpu:a100:1 --time=1:00:00 -p gpu --output=.buildkite/log_gpu_a100_%j.log --unbuffered .buildkite/"

- wait
- label: ":racehorse: Build docs and run tests on Quadro GPU partition"
- "srun --cpus-per-task=16 --mem=16G --gres=gpu:geforce:1 --time=1:00:00 -p gpu --output=.buildkite/log_gpu_quadro_%j.log --unbuffered .buildkite/"

- wait
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions Project.toml
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Expand Up @@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ Debugger = "31a5f54b-26ea-5ae9-a837-f05ce5417438"
FileIO = "5789e2e9-d7fb-5bc7-8068-2c6fae9b9549"
GeometryBasics = "5c1252a2-5f33-56bf-86c9-59e7332b4326"
JSON = "682c06a0-de6a-54ab-a142-c8b1cf79cde6"
KernelAbstractions = "63c18a36-062a-441e-b654-da1e3ab1ce7c"
Krylov = "ba0b0d4f-ebba-5204-a429-3ac8c609bfb7"
LazyArrays = "5078a376-72f3-5289-bfd5-ec5146d43c02"
LinearAlgebra = "37e2e46d-f89d-539d-b4ee-838fcccc9c8e"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -45,6 +46,8 @@ DataMigrations = "0.0.3, 0.1"
FileIO = "^1"
GeometryBasics = "0.3, 0.4"
JSON = "0.21.4"
KernelAbstractions = "0.9"
Krylov = "0.9.6"
LazyArrays = "0.20, 0.21, 0.22, 1.0, 2"
LinearAlgebra = "1.9"
Makie = "0.21"
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203 changes: 55 additions & 148 deletions ext/CombinatorialSpacesCUDAExt.jl
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@@ -1,187 +1,94 @@
module CombinatorialSpacesCUDAExt

using CombinatorialSpaces
using GeometryBasics
using CombinatorialSpaces.DiscreteExteriorCalculus: DiscreteHodge
using CUDA
using LinearAlgebra
using SparseArrays
using KernelAbstractions
using Krylov
Point2D = Point2{Float64}
Point3D = Point3{Float64}
import CombinatorialSpaces: dec_wedge_product, dec_c_wedge_product, dec_c_wedge_product!, dec_p_wedge_product,
dec_boundary, dec_differential, dec_dual_derivative, dec_hodge_star, dec_inv_hodge_star
import CombinatorialSpaces: cache_wedge,
dec_boundary, dec_differential, dec_dual_derivative,
dec_hodge_star, dec_inv_hodge_star

""" dec_wedge_product(::Type{Tuple{0,0}}, sd::HasDeltaSet, ::Type{Val{:CUDA}})
# Wedge Product

Wedge Primal 0, 0 for CUDA
function dec_wedge_product(::Type{Tuple{0,0}}, sd::HasDeltaSet, ::Type{Val{:CUDA}})
(f, g) -> f .* g
function cache_wedge(::Type{Tuple{m,n}}, sd::EmbeddedDeltaDualComplex1D{Bool, float_type, _p}, ::Type{Val{:CUDA}}, arr_cons=CuArray, cast_float=nothing) where {float_type,_p,m,n}
cache_wedge(m, n, sd, float_type, arr_cons, cast_float)

""" function dec_wedge_product(::Type{Tuple{k,0}}, sd::HasDeltaSet, ::Type{Val{:CUDA}})
Wedge Primal K, 0 for CUDA
function dec_wedge_product(::Type{Tuple{k,0}}, sd::HasDeltaSet, ::Type{Val{:CUDA}}) where {k}
val_pack = dec_p_wedge_product(Tuple{0,k}, sd, Val{:CUDA})
(α, g) -> dec_c_wedge_product(Tuple{0,k}, g, α, val_pack, Val{:CUDA})
function cache_wedge(::Type{Tuple{m,n}}, sd::EmbeddedDeltaDualComplex2D{Bool, float_type, _p}, ::Type{Val{:CUDA}}, arr_cons=CuArray, cast_float=nothing) where {float_type,_p,m,n}
cache_wedge(m, n, sd, float_type, arr_cons, cast_float)

""" function dec_wedge_product(::Type{Tuple{0,k}}, sd::HasDeltaSet, ::Type{Val{:CUDA}})
# Boundary and Co-boundary

Wedge Primal 0, K for CUDA
function dec_wedge_product(::Type{Tuple{0,k}}, sd::HasDeltaSet, ::Type{Val{:CUDA}}) where {k}
val_pack = dec_p_wedge_product(Tuple{0,k}, sd, Val{:CUDA})
(f, β) -> dec_c_wedge_product(Tuple{0,k}, f, β, val_pack, Val{:CUDA})
""" dec_boundary(n::Int, sd::HasDeltaSet, ::Type{Val{:CUDA}})
""" function dec_wedge_product(::Type{Tuple{1,1}}, sd::HasDeltaSet2D, ::Type{Val{:CUDA}})
Wedge Primal 1, 1 for CUDA
Compute a boundary matrix as a sparse CUDA matrix.
function dec_wedge_product(::Type{Tuple{1,1}}, sd::HasDeltaSet2D, ::Type{Val{:CUDA}})
val_pack = dec_p_wedge_product(Tuple{1,1}, sd, Val{:CUDA})
(α, β) -> dec_c_wedge_product(Tuple{1,1}, α, β, val_pack, Val{:CUDA})
dec_boundary(n::Int, sd::HasDeltaSet, ::Type{Val{:CUDA}}) =
CuSparseMatrixCSC(dec_boundary(n, sd))

""" function dec_p_wedge_product(::Type{Tuple{m,n}}, sd, ::Type{Val{:CUDA}})
dec_boundary(n::Int, sd::EmbeddedDeltaDualComplex1D{Bool, float_type, _p} where _p, ::Type{Val{:CUDA}}) where float_type =
CuSparseMatrixCSC{float_type}(dec_boundary(n, sd))
dec_boundary(n::Int, sd::EmbeddedDeltaDualComplex2D{Bool, float_type, _p} where _p, ::Type{Val{:CUDA}}) where float_type =
CuSparseMatrixCSC{float_type}(dec_boundary(n, sd))

Preallocation for CUDA Wedges
function dec_p_wedge_product(::Type{Tuple{m,n}}, sd, ::Type{Val{:CUDA}}) where {m,n}
val_pack = dec_p_wedge_product(Tuple{m,n}, sd)
(CuArray.(val_pack[1:end-1])..., val_pack[end])
""" dec_dual_derivative(n::Int, sd::EmbeddedDeltaDualComplex1D, ::Type{Val{:CUDA}})
""" function dec_c_wedge_product(::Type{Tuple{m,n}}, α, β, val_pack, ::Type{Val{:CUDA}})
Computation for CUDA Wedges
Compute a dual derivative matrix as a sparse CUDA matrix.
function dec_c_wedge_product(::Type{Tuple{m,n}}, α, β, val_pack, ::Type{Val{:CUDA}}) where {m,n}
wedge_terms = CUDA.zeros(eltype(α), last(last(val_pack)))
return dec_c_wedge_product!(Tuple{m,n}, wedge_terms, α, β, val_pack, Val{:CUDA})

function dec_c_wedge_product!(::Type{Tuple{0,1}}, wedge_terms, f, α, val_pack, ::Type{Val{:CUDA}})
num_threads = CUDA.max_block_size.x
num_blocks = min(ceil(Int, length(wedge_terms) / num_threads), CUDA.max_grid_size.x)

@cuda threads=num_threads blocks=num_blocks dec_cu_ker_c_wedge_product_01!(wedge_terms, f, α, val_pack[1])
return wedge_terms

function dec_c_wedge_product!(::Type{Tuple{0,2}}, wedge_terms, f, α, val_pack, ::Type{Val{:CUDA}})
num_threads = CUDA.max_block_size.x
num_blocks = min(ceil(Int, length(wedge_terms) / num_threads), CUDA.max_grid_size.x)
dec_dual_derivative(n::Int, sd::HasDeltaSet, ::Type{Val{:CUDA}}) =
CuSparseMatrixCSC(dec_dual_derivative(n, sd))

@cuda threads=num_threads blocks=num_blocks dec_cu_ker_c_wedge_product_02!(wedge_terms, f, α, val_pack[1], val_pack[2])
return wedge_terms

function dec_c_wedge_product!(::Type{Tuple{1,1}}, wedge_terms, f, α, val_pack, ::Type{Val{:CUDA}})
num_threads = CUDA.max_block_size.x
num_blocks = min(ceil(Int, length(wedge_terms) / num_threads), CUDA.max_grid_size.x)

@cuda threads=num_threads blocks=num_blocks dec_cu_ker_c_wedge_product_11!(wedge_terms, f, α, val_pack[1], val_pack[2])
return wedge_terms

function dec_cu_ker_c_wedge_product_01!(wedge_terms::CuDeviceArray{T}, f, α, primal_vertices) where T
index = (blockIdx().x - Int32(1)) * blockDim().x + threadIdx().x
stride = gridDim().x * blockDim().x
i = index
@inbounds while i <= Int32(length(wedge_terms))
wedge_terms[i] = T(0.5) * α[i] * (f[primal_vertices[i, Int32(1)]] + f[primal_vertices[i, Int32(2)]])
i += stride
return nothing

function dec_cu_ker_c_wedge_product_02!(wedge_terms::CuDeviceArray{T}, f, α, pv, coeffs) where T
index = (blockIdx().x - Int32(1)) * blockDim().x + threadIdx().x
stride = gridDim().x * blockDim().x
i = index

@inbounds while i <= Int32(length(wedge_terms))
wedge_terms[i] = α[i] * (coeffs[Int32(1), i] * f[pv[Int32(1), i]] + coeffs[Int32(2), i] * f[pv[Int32(2), i]]
+ coeffs[Int32(3), i] * f[pv[Int32(3), i]] + coeffs[Int32(4), i] * f[pv[Int32(4), i]]
+ coeffs[Int32(5), i] * f[pv[Int32(5), i]] + coeffs[Int32(6), i] * f[pv[Int32(6), i]])
i += stride
return nothing
dec_dual_derivative(n::Int, sd::EmbeddedDeltaDualComplex1D{Bool, float_type, _p} where _p, ::Type{Val{:CUDA}}) where float_type =
CuSparseMatrixCSC{float_type}(dec_dual_derivative(n, sd))
dec_dual_derivative(n::Int, sd::EmbeddedDeltaDualComplex2D{Bool, float_type, _p} where _p, ::Type{Val{:CUDA}}) where float_type =
CuSparseMatrixCSC{float_type}(dec_dual_derivative(n, sd))

function dec_cu_ker_c_wedge_product_11!(wedge_terms, α, β, e, coeffs)
index = (blockIdx().x - Int32(1)) * blockDim().x + threadIdx().x
stride = gridDim().x * blockDim().x
i = index

@inbounds while i <= Int32(length(wedge_terms))
e0, e1, e2 = e[Int32(1), i], e[Int32(2), i], e[Int32(3), i]
ae0, ae1, ae2 = α[e0], α[e1], α[e2]
be0, be1, be2 = β[e0], β[e1], β[e2]
""" dec_differential(n::Int, sd::HasDeltaSet, ::Type{Val{:CUDA}})
c1, c2, c3 = coeffs[Int32(1), i], coeffs[Int32(2), i], coeffs[Int32(3), i]

wedge_terms[i] = (c1 * (ae2 * be1 - ae1 * be2)
+ c2 * (ae2 * be0 - ae0 * be2)
+ c3 * (ae1 * be0 - ae0 * be1))
i += stride

return nothing

""" dec_boundary(n::Int, sd::EmbeddedDeltaDualComplex, ::Type{Val{:CUDA}})
Boundary matrix as a sparse CUDA matrix
Compute an exterior derivative matrix as a sparse CUDA matrix.
dec_boundary(n::Int, sd::EmbeddedDeltaDualComplex1D{Bool, float_type, _p} where _p, ::Type{Val{:CUDA}}) where float_type = CuSparseMatrixCSC{float_type}(dec_boundary(n, sd))
dec_differential(n::Int, sd::HasDeltaSet, ::Type{Val{:CUDA}}) =
CuSparseMatrixCSC(dec_differential(n, sd))

""" dec_dual_derivative(n::Int, sd::EmbeddedDeltaDualComplex, ::Type{Val{:CUDA}})
dec_differential(n::Int, sd::EmbeddedDeltaDualComplex1D{Bool, float_type, _p} where _p, ::Type{Val{:CUDA}}) where float_type =
CuSparseMatrixCSC{float_type}(dec_differential(n, sd))
dec_differential(n::Int, sd::EmbeddedDeltaDualComplex2D{Bool, float_type, _p} where _p, ::Type{Val{:CUDA}}) where float_type =
CuSparseMatrixCSC{float_type}(dec_differential(n, sd))

Dual derivative matrix as a sparse CUDA matrix
dec_dual_derivative(n::Int, sd::EmbeddedDeltaDualComplex1D{Bool, float_type, _p} where _p, ::Type{Val{:CUDA}}) where float_type = CuSparseMatrixCSC{float_type}(dec_dual_derivative(n, sd))
# Hodge Star

""" dec_differential(n::Int, sd::EmbeddedDeltaDualComplex, ::Type{Val{:CUDA}})
""" dec_hodge_star(n::Int, sd::HasDeltaSet, h::DiscreteHodge, ::Type{Val{:CUDA}})
Exterior derivative matrix as a sparse CUDA matrix
Compute a Hodge star as a diagonal or generic sparse CUDA matrix.
dec_differential(n::Int, sd::EmbeddedDeltaDualComplex1D{Bool, float_type, _p} where _p, ::Type{Val{:CUDA}}) where float_type = CuSparseMatrixCSC{float_type}(dec_differential(n, sd))
dec_hodge_star(n::Int, sd::HasDeltaSet, h::DiscreteHodge, ::Type{Val{:CUDA}}) =
dec_hodge_star(Val{n}, sd, h, Val{:CUDA})

dec_boundary(n::Int, sd::EmbeddedDeltaDualComplex2D{Bool, float_type, _p} where _p, ::Type{Val{:CUDA}}) where float_type = CuSparseMatrixCSC{float_type}(dec_boundary(n, sd))
dec_dual_derivative(n::Int, sd::EmbeddedDeltaDualComplex2D{Bool, float_type, _p} where _p, ::Type{Val{:CUDA}}) where float_type = CuSparseMatrixCSC{float_type}(dec_dual_derivative(n, sd))
dec_differential(n::Int, sd::EmbeddedDeltaDualComplex2D{Bool, float_type, _p} where _p, ::Type{Val{:CUDA}}) where float_type = CuSparseMatrixCSC{float_type}(dec_differential(n, sd))
dec_hodge_star(::Type{Val{n}}, sd::HasDeltaSet, h::DiscreteHodge, ::Type{Val{:CUDA}}) where n =
CuArray(dec_hodge_star(Val{n}, sd, h))

dec_boundary(n::Int, sd::HasDeltaSet, ::Type{Val{:CUDA}}) = CuSparseMatrixCSC(dec_boundary(n, sd))
dec_dual_derivative(n::Int, sd::HasDeltaSet, ::Type{Val{:CUDA}}) = CuSparseMatrixCSC(dec_dual_derivative(n, sd))
dec_differential(n::Int, sd::HasDeltaSet, ::Type{Val{:CUDA}}) = CuSparseMatrixCSC(dec_differential(n, sd))
dec_hodge_star(::Type{Val{1}}, sd::EmbeddedDeltaDualComplex2D, h::GeometricHodge, ::Type{Val{:CUDA}}) =
CuSparseMatrixCSC(dec_hodge_star(Val{1}, sd, h))

""" dec_hodge_star(n::Int, sd::HasDeltaSet, ::HodgeType, ::Type{Val{:CUDA}})
""" dec_inv_hodge_star(n::Int, sd::HasDeltaSet, h::DiscreteHodge, ::Type{Val{:CUDA}})
Hodge matrices as appropriate diagonal or sparse CUDA matrices
Compute an inverse Hodge star matrix as a diagonal CUDA matrix.
dec_hodge_star(n::Int, sd::HasDeltaSet, ::DiagonalHodge, ::Type{Val{:CUDA}}) = CuArray(dec_hodge_star(n, sd, DiagonalHodge()))
dec_hodge_star(n::Int, sd::HasDeltaSet, ::GeometricHodge, ::Type{Val{:CUDA}}) = dec_hodge_star(Val{n}, sd, GeometricHodge(), Val{:CUDA})
dec_hodge_star(::Type{Val{n}}, sd::HasDeltaSet, ::GeometricHodge, ::Type{Val{:CUDA}}) where n = CuArray(dec_hodge_star(Val{n}, sd, GeometricHodge()))
dec_hodge_star(::Type{Val{1}}, sd::EmbeddedDeltaDualComplex2D, ::GeometricHodge, ::Type{Val{:CUDA}}) = CuSparseMatrixCSC(dec_hodge_star(Val{1}, sd, GeometricHodge()))
dec_inv_hodge_star(n::Int, sd::HasDeltaSet, h::DiscreteHodge, ::Type{Val{:CUDA}}) =
dec_inv_hodge_star(Val{n}, sd, h, Val{:CUDA})

""" dec_inv_hodge_star(n::Int, sd::HasDeltaSet, ::HodgeType, ::Type{Val{:CUDA}})
Inverse Hodge matrices as diagonal matrices
dec_inv_hodge_star(n::Int, sd::HasDeltaSet, ::DiagonalHodge, ::Type{Val{:CUDA}}) = CuArray(dec_inv_hodge_star(n, sd, DiagonalHodge()))
dec_inv_hodge_star(n::Int, sd::HasDeltaSet, ::GeometricHodge, ::Type{Val{:CUDA}}) = dec_inv_hodge_star(Val{n}, sd, GeometricHodge(), Val{:CUDA})
dec_inv_hodge_star(::Type{Val{n}}, sd::HasDeltaSet, ::GeometricHodge, ::Type{Val{:CUDA}}) where n = CuArray(dec_inv_hodge_star(Val{n}, sd, GeometricHodge()))
dec_inv_hodge_star(::Type{Val{n}}, sd::HasDeltaSet, h::DiscreteHodge, ::Type{Val{:CUDA}}) where n =
CuArray(dec_inv_hodge_star(Val{n}, sd, h))

""" function dec_inv_hodge_star(::Type{Val{1}}, sd::EmbeddedDeltaDualComplex2D, ::GeometricHodge, ::Type{Val{:CUDA}})
""" function dec_inv_hodge_star(::Type{Val{1}}, sd::EmbeddedDeltaDualComplex2D, ::GeometricHodge, ::Type{Val{:CUDA}})
Inverse Geometric Hodge for Primal 1 implemented as a GMRES solver. This returns a function that
will compute the result.
Return a function that computes the inverse geometric Hodge star of a primal 1-form via a GMRES solver.
function dec_inv_hodge_star(::Type{Val{1}}, sd::EmbeddedDeltaDualComplex2D, ::GeometricHodge, ::Type{Val{:CUDA}})
hdg = -1 * dec_hodge_star(1, sd, GeometricHodge(), Val{:CUDA})
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/DiscreteExteriorCalculus.jl
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# XXX: This "left/right-hand-rule" trick only works when z=0.
# XXX: So, do not use this function to test e.g. curved surfaces.
function eval_constant_dual_form(s::EmbeddedDeltaDualComplex2D, α::SVector{3,Float64})
hodge_star(1,s) *
eval_constant_primal_form(s, SVector{3,Float64}(α[2], -α[1], α[3])))
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