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Quran API

The quran-api is a feature-rich Android library designed to access, search, and manage Quranic data, including translations, Surahs, Juz, pages, Ayahs, and now audio playback. This library provides developers with a structured API for accessing the Quran's data in an efficient and memory-friendly way, leveraging binary file storage for faster data retrieval.

Versioning and Compatibility

Platform Min API Version License


  • Access to Quranic Data: Retrieve Surahs, Juz, Pages, Ayahs, and Translations easily.
  • Translation Management: Download, update, and manage translations with support for multiple languages.
  • Optimized Storage: Binary file storage for quick access and memory efficiency.
  • Easy Data Queries: Simple and intuitive API for querying Quranic data.
  • Extensible Architecture: Modular and interface-based design for easy customization.
  • Quran Audio Playback: Stream or play audio from a local file with support for multiple Qaris. The API can auto-download audio files as needed and prioritize playback from local storage for offline accessibility.

Table of Contents


To add the quran-api library to your Android project, add the following Maven Central dependency to your project.

Step 1: Add the Dependency

Add the quran-api dependency to your build.gradle file:


Alternatively, you can clone the repository and add the quran-api module manually:

git clone

Quick Start

To get started, initialize the QuranAPI singleton in your Application class, which will automatically set up the required data and repositories.

Example Application Initialization

import com.nelu.quran_api.di.QuranAPI

class MyApp : Application() {
    override fun onCreate() {



Once you have initialized QuranAPI in your application class, you can start accessing various Quranic data types, such as Surahs, Juz, and Translations. This initialization also copies necessary data files to your internal storage if they don’t already exist.

Accessing Quranic Data

QuranAPI provides access to several data types:

  • JUZ: For Juz-related data.
  • PAGE: For accessing page-specific Quranic data.
  • SURAH: For accessing Surah-related data.
  • QURAN: For retrieving Ayah and Surah data.
  • TRANSLATION: For managing translations.

Example: Retrieving a List of Surahs

val surahList = QuranAPI.SURAH.getSurahList()
surahList.forEach { surah ->
    println("Surah ${surah.number}: ${surah.englishName}")

Example: Retrieving a Juz by ID

val juz = QuranAPI.JUZ.getJuzById(2)
println("Juz ${juz?.number} starts at Ayah ${juz?.startId}")

Managing Translations

You can get both the available and downloaded translations using the TRANSLATION interface.

Example: Retrieving Available Translations

val translations = QuranAPI.TRANSLATION.getTranslationList()
translations.forEach { translation ->
    println("Translation: ${} (${translation.language})")

Example: Retrieving Locally Downloaded Translations

val localTranslations = QuranAPI.TRANSLATION.getLocalTranslationList()
localTranslations.forEach { translation ->
    println("Downloaded Translation: ${}")

Downloading Translations

Translations can be downloaded by providing a translation code. You can track the download progress and handle success or failure with a listener.

Example: Downloading a Translation

val translationCode = "en_saheeh"
QuranAPI.TRANSLATION.downloadTranslation(translationCode, object : BaseTranslation.TranslationDownloadListener {
    override fun onSuccess() {
        println("Translation downloaded successfully!")

    override fun onFailure(e: Exception) {
        println("Failed to download translation: ${e.message}")

    override fun onProgress(type: BaseTranslation.TranslationDownloadListener.Type, progress: Int) {
        println("Download progress: $progress%")

Audio Playback

The quran-api now supports Quran audio playback with dynamic downloading and offline play options.

Playing Quran Audio

You can play audio for a specific Ayah, Surah, or range. Audio playback can automatically download files for offline playback. If an audio file is available locally, it will be used instead of streaming.

Example: Playing Audio

QuranAPI.Audio.playAyah(ayahId = 5) // Plays the specified Ayah

Managing Qaris

The API provides support for multiple Qaris. By specifying a Qari, you can play the preferred recitation style.

Example: Set Qari and Play

QuranAPI.Audio.playSurah(surahId = 2)

Interfaces Overview

The library is designed with interfaces to ensure flexibility and ease of use. Here’s an overview of the core interfaces:

  • BaseJuz: Access and manage Juz-related data.
  • BasePage: Access Quranic data by pages.
  • BaseSurah: Retrieve and manage Surah-specific data.
  • BaseQuran: Query Quranic data, including specific Ayahs.
  • BaseTranslation: Download and manage translations.

Each interface provides standard methods for accessing, searching, and retrieving lists or individual items.

Core Classes


The QuranAPI singleton centralizes access to all repository instances and handles data initialization. It provides properties for each type of data:

  • JUZ
  • PAGE

Repository Classes

Repository classes such as RepositoryJuz, RepositorySurah, RepositoryQuran, and RepositoryTranslation implement the core data interfaces, providing actual data operations and interactions with DAOs.


NativeUtils is a utility object with JNI support for reading Quranic data from binary files, enabling efficient data storage and retrieval. This class offers methods like:

  • readStringFromFileDescriptor: Reads strings from a binary file.
  • readModelIndexListFromFileDescriptor: Reads data to construct ModelIndex objects.
  • readQuranDataFromPaths: Reads multiple files and returns their contents as 2D arrays.

JNI Integration

quran-api includes JNI (Java Native Interface) integration to provide efficient data access from binary files. This integration allows the library to store and retrieve large datasets, like Quranic translations, in a memory-efficient manner. The native methods are defined in NativeUtils and require the native-lib library.

Example JNI Method

val quranData: Array<String>? = NativeUtils.readQuranDataFromPath(context, "arabic.dat")
quranData?.forEach { ayah ->


Contributions are welcome! Please follow these steps to contribute:

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create a new branch (git checkout -b feature/your-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -m 'Add your feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/your-feature)
  5. Create a pull request

Make sure to include tests for any new functionality.


This library is licensed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC License. See LICENSE for more information.