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A library with a serial driver for communication with RFID readers/modules from FEIG Electronic. Part of Inlay Tester software application.


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This library is available as NuGet package: InlayTester.Drivers.FeigReader

The package provides strong-named binaries for .NET Standard 2.0, .NET 6.0, and .NET 7.0. Tests are performed with .NET Framework 4.8, .NET 6.0, .NET 7.0, and .NET 8.0.

For development, you need Visual Studio 2022. For running the tests, you need to install com0com and set up a serial port pair with names "COMA" and "COMB". This virtual serial port pair is used throughout unit tests.

The library uses Amarok79/InlayTester.Shared.Transports under the hood, which again depends on the excellent jcurl/SerialPortStream for serial communication.

Supported Feig RFID Reader/Modules

In general, all Feig RFID reader/modules are supported that run Feig `s standard or advanced protocol.

Specifically, following readers/modules have been extensively tested:

  • CPR40.xx
  • CPR74.xx
  • ISC.M02

Supported RFID Transponders

The provided Inventory() API supports following transponders:

  • ISO14443A
  • ISO14443B
  • ISO15693
  • ISO18000-3M3
  • Jewel
  • I-Code1
  • I-CodeEPC
  • I-CodeUID
  • SR176
  • SRIxx
  • EPC Class1 Gen2
  • Innovatron
  • FeliCa


Create, Open, Close

To communicate with a Feig RFID reader/module connected via RS232, you first have to instantiate a IFeigReader. This is done via factory method FeigReader.Create(..), which requires an instance of FeigReaderSettings.

    var settings = new FeigReaderSettings {
        TransportSettings = new SerialTransportSettings {
                PortName = "COM4",
                Baud = 38400,
                DataBits = 8,
                Parity = Parity.Even,
                StopBits = StopBits.One,
                Handshake = Handshake.None,
        Address = 255,
        Protocol = FeigProtocol.Advanced,
        Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500),

    using (IFeigReader reader = FeigReader.Create(settings))
        // ...

The settings are used to provide configuration about serial communication (SerialTransportSettings) to the reader, but also to provide Feig-specific global settings like Address, Protocol and Timeout.

So far, we only configured and created an instance of our reader in code. The specified serial port hasn't been opened yet. To open communication you have to call Open() on the reader. If necessary, you can Close() and re-open the communication transport multiple times on the same IFeigReader instance.

    using (IFeigReader reader = FeigReader.Create(settings))
        reader.Open();      // now serial port is open
        reader.Close();     // serial port is closed again
        reader.Open();      // it's possible to open/close it multiple times

Don't forget to dispose the IFeigReader at the end.


Now, to communicate with the reader/module, we perform a transfer operation, which sends a request to the reader and then waits for a response.

    var request = new FeigRequest {
        Address = 0xFF,
        Command = FeigCommand.CPUReset,
        Data = BufferSpan.Empty,

    FeigTransferResult result = await reader.Transfer(request)

Here we first instantiate a FeigRequest and then call the async Transfer(..). The method overload uses protocol and timeout from global settings supplied earlier during reader construction. To override global settings for this single transfer operation only, you can provide them as additional arguments. You can even provide a cancellation token to cancel the transfer operation at any time.

    FeigTransferResult result = await reader.Transfer(
            request, FeigProtocol.Standard, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000), cancellationToken)

Now, Transfer(..) never throws exceptions for timeout, cancellation or errors. Instead, it returns a specific result object that contains detailed information about the transfer operation. You can use it to determine whether the transfer operation succeeded as shown in the following code snippet.

    if (result.Status == FeigTransferStatus.Canceled)
        // canceled; someone signals the cancellation token
    if (result.Status == FeigTransferStatus.Timeout)
        // timeout, no response received
    if (result.Status == FeigTransferStatus.ChecksumError)
        // corrupted response received; communication error
    if (result.Status == FeigTransferStatus.Success)
        if (result.Response.Status != FeigStatus.OK)
            // received response, but reader returned error
            // received response; interpret data

Error handling seems a bit tedious. But, you won't need to do it yourself. Transfer(..) represents a low-level method that gives you full control over transfer operations. In general, you will use other high-level methods better suited for most cases. It's just that you know you can do it that way.


Execute(..) is one of those higher-level methods that does this result-code checking for you, and that throws appropriate exceptions in certain error situations. On success, the method returns the received response.

    var request = new FeigRequest {
        Address = 0xFF,
        Command = FeigCommand.CPUReset,
        Data = BufferSpan.Empty,

    var response = await reader.Execute(request)

    var data = response.Data;

In case of timeout, a TimeoutException is thrown. In case of cancellation an OperationCanceledException. Otherwise, if a communication error occurred or the reader/module returned an error code, an exception of type * FeigException* is thrown. In all other cases, the received FeigResponse is returned.

Regarding the previous code snippet. There exists another overload that allows you to write this in a much shorter way.

    var response = await reader.Execute(FeigCommand.CPUReset)

This overload constructs the necessary FeigRequest internally.

Common Commands

Most Feig RFID reader/modules support a set of common commands. These commands are already implemented and exposed as methods on the IFeigReader interface.

Following commands are supported out-of-the-box:

Feig Command Method on IFeigReader
0x52 Baud Rate Detection TestCommunication()
0x63 CPU Reset ResetCPU()
0x65 Get Software Version GetSoftwareInfo()
0x69 RF Reset ResetRF()
0x80 Read Configuration ReadConfiguration(..)
0x81 Write Configuration WriteConfiguration(..)
0x82 Save Configuration SaveConfigurations(), SaveConfiguration(..)
0x83 Set Default Configuration ResetConfigurations(), ResetConfiguration(..)
0x0B 0x01 Inventory ISO Standard Inventory()


A library with a serial driver for communication with RFID readers/modules from FEIG Electronic. Part of Inlay Tester software application.





