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A Mod for minecraft, and now you can use json make more items!


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With Json ( OVO )

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|How to modification ManaMetalMod (Building)|

There may be grammatical errors, welcome to correct!


  1. What is WhthJson(ovo) ?
  2. How we start?
  3. Plans
  • License
  • Lib


What is WithJson(ovo) ?

WithJson is a mod for Minecraft, and target is make you "coding" with JSON!
Now WithJson allows you to use on JSON to create the elements in game! It easy and you should not learn any Java!

How we start?

We need a folder with name "ovo" in your minecraft's folder. And some work you should do please read OVO Folder and OVO Package.
Note :To show you how it works, I'll use "//" as the annotation, but the annotation shouldn't appear in your file because JSON doesn't have annotation tags.


We have more plans like make WithJson can run in a Jar and make you can create an Armour and more 🥓 !
If you have more idea, Send an Issues! But if they are unsafe in code, I will remove them on plans. Sorry but I really didn't want to see the player distressed by some of unsafe elements that make the game crash.

Let's us start!


Here are some simple concepts.

OVO Folder and OVO Package
WithJson will not create anything by itself. All the work it will do just read.
So you should a folder with name ovo to put all the file.
The "OVOPackage" is much folder in this folder, and a "OVOPackage" corresponding a "Fake mod". A mod need a "modid". Well, lets we create a new file named ovo_package.json in folder ovo. And then create a folder named any name you like in folder ovo, I create a folder named pineapple_test_package, and my folder ovo look like this:

dir: .minecraft

> ovo
>> pineapple_test_package
>> ovo_package.json

Good! Now open file ovo_package.json, this is a Json to manage every OVOPackage you have, and put your OVOPackage in it, now my ovo_package.json look like this:


And if we have much package? Add them in this list!


Note: In this case, pineapple_test_package will take precedence over other_package.

Create a modid

Got it! And you know now, "A mod need a modid" right? Go to the folder you just created and create a file named info.json, this file is your modid's manager.
Now let's make a modid in any you like and put it in this file. And you can only use the char in ASCALL.

    "modid": "pineapple"

OK! Now you've done all the preparations! Good job!
If your modid is too odd that WithJson cannot know it, WithJson will make it named "ovo".


Creative Tab

So excited! We're finally started!
Lets we create a Creative Tab for our Items!
Why we cannot use the tab in vanilla? Coming soon! Because I spent some time thinking about how to get him working without any unexpected circumstances. So will there be so many unexpected circumstances?

Create a File named Group.json. Create a new tab now!

    "name": "pineappleGroup",   // A name for your group, the lang key is "itemGroup.%YourGroupName"
    "icon": "minecraft:apple"   // A LocalRegisterName or an item id all right done! If it cannot find the item, it will use apple.
  {                             // If we would like have more creative tab ...


Well done! Now we create an item!
Create a File or Folder named Item.json (If folder, named Item).
If it a folder, all the file in folder will sign up! And if a file, you can only make all the item in this file's list. Here example:


file: Item.json

    "name": "itemtest",               // The RegisterName for item.
    "localization_name": "itemtest",  // The UnlocalName for item.
    "texture_name": "itemtest",       // The TextureName for item.
    "max_size": 64,                   // The maxstack for item.
    "group": "pineappleGroup"         // A creative tab for item.
  {                                   // More cool item!


// dir: Item

// file: itemtest.json

    "name": "itemtest",               // The RegisterName for item.
    "localization_name": "itemtest",  // The UnlocalName for item.
    "texture_name": "itemtest",       // The TextureName for item.
    "max_size": 64,                   // The maxstack for item.
    "group": "pineappleGroup"         // A creative tab for item.
  {                                   // More cool item!
    // ...

// file: itemtest2.json

    // Something Same
    // ...

So what is "RegisterName", "UnlocalName" and "TextureName" ?

RegisterName is a unique name for item, if here two or more item had same RegisterName, the game will crash by this.

UnLocalName is the language kay for item, if two or more item had same UnLocalName, they will name as same in game. The LocalLanguageKey is "" if it is an item. And call "" if it is a block.

TextureName is the texture's name for item, if two ir more item had same TextureName, they will look same in game.


Like item, a file or a folder.Named Block.json ( If folder, Block .)
And let's go:

    "name": "pineapple_block",
    "localization_name": "pineapple_block",
    "texture_name": "pineapple_block",      // All of name same as Item.
    "hard": 5,                              // Hard will affect mining efficiency.
    "hard_level": 1,                        // Which tool level should. range in 0-3 in vanilla(Wood,Stone,Iron,Diamond)
    "break_tool": "pickaxe",                // Which tool should:pickaxe or axe, or shovel.
    "is_glow": false,                       // Can it glow? If true, it will have glow level 15.
    "drop_item": "pineapple:pineapple",     // Which item will drop when it break? If have nothing, just key "null", or put a LocalRegisterName or ItemID.
    "group": "pineappleGroup"


The food named ItemFood.json( If folder, ItemFood)

    "name": "pineapple",
    "localization_name": "pineapple",
    "texture_name": "pineapple",
    "max_size": 64,
    "hunger": 5,                              // How much hunger will restore when finish eat? This is an Integer.
    "saturation": 0.8,                        // Saturation, Float.(2.0 is full)
    "wolf": true,                             // Can wolf (dog) eat it?
    "always_eat": false,                      // Can always eat?(Like GoldenApple)
    "fast_food": false,                       // Can eat fast? 
    "isDrink": false,                         // Is it a drink?
    "return_item": "null",                    // Have anything should return? If have nothing, "null". Or LocalRegisterName or ItemID.
    "group": "pineappleGroup"


Merry Christmas! Gift is a box, and it will give player something when player right-click.Named ItemGift.json ( If folder, ItemGift)
It a testing element, so it will change in future (maybe?)

        "name": "pineapple_package",
        "localization_name": "pineapple_package",
        "texture_name": "pineapple",
        "max_size": 1,
        "items": [                                  // All item in list will give player!
        "group": "pineappleGroup"


What's better than a tool? Two tools! Named ItemTool.json (If folder, ItemTool)

    "name": "pineapple_pickaxe",
    "localization_name": "pineapple_pickaxe",
    "texture_name": "pineapple_pickaxe",
    "toolkit": "pickaxe",                     // The type of tool: pickaxe, axe, shovel, hoe
    "tool_meta": "iron",                      // The Material of tool, the durability and other all will affected by this: wood, stone, iron, gold, diamond
    "group": "pineappleGroup"


I can't think of how to make it look cool. Named ItemWeapons.json (If folder, ItemWeapons)

        "name": "pineapple_sword",
        "localization_name": "pineapple_sword",
        "texture_name": "pineapple_sword",
        "tool_meta": "gold",                    // Same as tool.
        "group": "pineappleGroup"


Named Recipe.json (If folder, Recipe)
If here any wrongs in Recipe, maybe it will make a crash. Old
Before WithJson 0.1.0, all the recipe should use old element. And it cannot use OreDict.

// Recipe.json
    "recipe": "smelting",           // Smelting Recipe.
    "output": "minecraft:apple",    // Output.
    "items_list": [                 // Only the first item. LocalRegisterName or ItemID.
    "recipe": "crafting_shapeless", // Shapeless Recipe. 
    "output": "minecraft:apple",    // Output
    "items_list": [                 // Range is 1-9 item(s).
    "recipe": "crafting_shaped",  // Shaped Recipe.
    "output": "minecraft:apple",  // Output
    "items_list": [               // The shaped of recipe in Top three.
      "A A",
      " B ",
      "   ",
      "A", "minecraft:apple",     // Start in 0.0.2 you can use the char in customization.
      "B", "pineapple:pineapple"  // My pineapple!
    "recipe": "crafting_shaped",
    "output": "minecraft:apple",
    "items_list": [
      "AA",                       // Try by yourself?
      "A", "minecraft:apple"

0.1.0, now recipes Jsons will more like the datapackage.

    "type": "minecraft:crafting_shaped", // Shaped Recipe
    "pattern": [
      "   ",
    "key": {
      "A": {
        "item": "minecraft:apple"
    "result": {
      "item": "minecraft:apple",
      "count": "10"                     // This is a String... It will in Integer in future.
    "type": "minecraft:crafting_shapeless", // Shapeless Recipe
    "ingredients": [
        "oredict": "plankWood"              // Yes! It an OreDict!
        "oredict": "plankWood"
        "oredict": "plankWood"
        "item": "minecraft:apple"
        "item": "minecraft:apple"
        "item": "minecraft:apple"
    "result": {
      "item": "pineapple:pineapple",
      "count": "5"
    "type": "minecraft:smelting", // Smelting.
    "ingredients": [
        "item": "minecraft:apple" // Only first item.
    "result": {
      "item": "minecraft:apple",
      "count": "2"

Delete Recipe
Delete a recipe from game, vanilla or other mods. Named DeleteRecipe.json (If folder, DeleteRecipe .)



A new Biome is already to generate in your world! Named Biomes (If folder, Biomes .)
Add a biome is more intricate than others.

        "id": 123,                      // The ID for Biome, never make it same with other biomes!
        "name": "Pineapple Biome",      // A name for Biome. Same as other? If you like!
        "weight": 10,                   // Generate weight, Integer.
        "weather_type": "WARM",         // Weather Type, see following.
        "biomes_tag": "HOT",            // Biome Type, see following.
        "flower": true,                 // Will biome generate flower?
        "color": 114514,                // Color, a  decimal color.
        "grass_color": 114514,          // Grass's color, decimal color.
        "rain": true,                   // Is it raining (or snowy) ?
        "water_color": 114514           // Water color, decimal color.

Weather Type:
It will affects rain or snow.

Type Rain or Snowy
ICY Snowy

Biome Type
Where will it generate?

Compound : WATER (Ocean and river)

Texture and assets

Make a TexturePackage or open anyone mod's Jar File.
Go to the assets' folder, create a new folder name your modid in info.json .
Create folder: lang and textures. The textures should distinguish blocks and items. Like this:

dir: pineapple

> assets
> > lang
> > > en_US.lang    // The main lang! If the lang cannot find with your system lang, The Minecraft will read with en_US.lang! So DO NOT MAKE IT EMPTY !
> > > zh_CN.lang
> > > zh_TW.lang
> > textures
> > > blocks
> > > > pineapple_block.png // Right, the TextureName here!
> > > items
> > > > pineapple.png       // Right, the TextureName here!

Hey! It not work!

Oh no! Too bad! But now you can take it easy, because I will remind you something mistakes you may make! Making mistakes is frustrating, but it's also a process, so don't worry! Fix them is a cool process!

An incorrect register name
It's a usually mistakes, let's check the name of Items (or Blocks). A LocalRegisterName is "Modid + ItemRegisterName" in Minecraft 1.7.10 (The UnLocalItemName, TexturesName and ItemRegisterName in Minecraft 1.7.10 is allowed to be different!). Maybe we should a tool to export all of item's LocalRegisterName to help us ...? Okay, take it in plan! (?)

An incorrect Json
Another usually mistakes and I always make it! A ","? Or you're missing an elements? The default element is coming soon! (#1)

A annotation
Oh no! Json have no annotation tag! Please read the note in How we start!

Missing "info.json" or you didn't make your ovopackage in "info.json"
Make sure your ovopackage's name is right put in "info.json".

I really sure it's WithJson make it broken!
Send an Issues to report this will make WithJson do better! Thank you! :)



Mozilla Public License Version 2.0



A Mod for minecraft, and now you can use json make more items!







No packages published
