This repository contains source code and simulation files used in my final year project Autopilot Design for a Quadcopter
The simulation files are created using Matlab 2016. To run the simulation open the autopilot_model.slx file and run it. The lineariezed PID contriller is implemented in "Controller block". The quadcopter mathmatical model and dynamics are implemented in 'copter_dynamics.m' file and linked to 'CopterSystem' block. The inputs to the system are the [X,Y,Z] coordinates represented in step input. The "apm_copter_codes" folder contains the implementation of the designed linear controller on APM_Arducopter written in C++ arduino IDE.
If you use this simulation in your research, you can cite it as follows:
author = {Hussein, Amir and Abdallah, Rayyan},
year = {2017},
month = {10},
pages = {},
title = {Autopilot Design for a Quadcopter},
doi = {10.13140/RG.2.2.17020.80008}
In case you faced any issues or found any bugs feel free to contact me at "[email protected]"