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Leaf Lounge

The application is available for viewing here.

Leaf Lounge Responsive Image


Leaf Lounge book store and community hub is built with a Django backend - a high-level Python framework that encourages rapid development and clean code practices, and Bootstrap5, an extensive styling library. As a networking platform, Leaf Lounge offers book lovers the unique opportunity to connect and share impressions, reviews, and critiques of books. Visitors wishing to join one of Leaf Lounge's vast communities need only purchase a book and create an account to gain access to their personal profile, immediately gaining access to all Leaf Lounge has to offer. Additionally, registered users have the option of becoming a Leaf Lounge author by registering for an author profile and uploading their own published works to the Leaf Lounge library.

SEO & Marketing

Table of Contents

Technology Stack


  • Django Framework - fullstack technology.
  • Python - Used for Django manipulation & interaction.


  • PostgreSQL
  • Amazon S3


  • HTML5/ Django Syntax - Used for structuring and content.
  • CSS3 - Used for adding styles to the content for legibility and aesthetic appeal.
  • Bootstrap5 - For quick styling and pre-built component libraries.
  • Javascript - For adding basic interactivity and dynamically setting URLs.
  • jQuery - For adding basic interactivity and dynamically setting URLs.

Additional Technologies

  • FontAwesome icons - used for icons.
  • Chrome Developer Tools - used for debugging the website during production.
  • Lighthouse - For performance, accessibility, best practices and SEO checking.
  • GitHub - For code storage, version control and deployment.
  • Git - For commiting through the terminal and pushing to GitHub for storage.
  • Gitpod - The IDE I developed the project in.
  • VSC - For quick testing of allauth functionality due to Gitpod's limitations.
  • Balsamiq - For project wireframe design.
  • W3C Markup Validation Service - to validate my HTML for potential errors.
  • W3C CSS Validation Service - to validate my CSS code for potential errors.
  • Code Beautify - to beautify CSS code.
  • JSHint - for checking and validating my JS code.
  • Pep8 - for Python code validation and best practices formatting.

Feature Sneak Peek

  • Advanced Book Filtering and Sorting
  • Genre-Specific Communities and Forums
  • Leave & Read Reviews
  • Comprehensive E-COMMERCE
  • Custom User Profile
  • Become an Author
  • Dedicated Customer Service



Leaf Lounge Wireframes

User Stories

Id User Story Label Implemented
1 As a first time visitor, I would like to be taken directly to the 'Leaf Lounge' home page so that I have quick access to all relevant information to get started. must-have test passed
2 As a site user, it would be nice to have a contact page so that I could contact the 'Leaf Lounge' team with queries. should-have test passed
3 As a site visitor, I require access to the library page so that I can view and choose from available books. must-have test passed
4 As a site user, I would like the option to read more information on the book before buying it. must-have test passed
5 As a site user, I require the option of signing-up, signing-in and signing-out of my account. must-have test passed
6 As a site user, I would like a custom profile with my personal information. should-have test passed
7 As a site user, I require a checkout page from which I can make secure transactions. must-have test passed
8 As a site user, I would like access to Leaf Lounge's social media so that I could follow the page and stay up to date. good-to-have test passed
11 As a site visitor, I would like the option of signing up for the Leaf Lounge Newsletter, without needing to register for an account. must-have test passed
14 As a site user, I would like the option of viewing my books before buying them. should-have test passed
15 As a site user, I would like the option of amending my books before buying them. must-have test passed
16 As a site user, I would like the option of deleting books from my basket. must-have test passed
17 As a site user, I require a secure payment system to make transactions. must-have test passed
27 I would like the option of registering as an author and putting my work on Leaf Lounge so that I can get exposure within the communities. should-have test passed
28 As a site user, I require access to the chatroom so that I can network with other readers. must-have test passed
29 As a site user, I would like the option of viewing the books I have bought and storing them in my profile so that I can access the book communities and view my order history. must-have test passed
30 As a user, I would like the ability to search for a book so that I can quickly find the one I am looking for. should-have test passed
31 As a user, I require access to the book's genre community after making a purchase so I can network and engage with fellow book-enthusiasts. must-have test passed
32 As a user and community member, I would like the ability to leave reviews so new users can get feedback on a book prior to making purchase. must-have test passed

Business/Social Goals

UX Goals

  • As a site user, I would like fast access to only the pages that would benefit my experience.
    • All pages should be displayed based on whether I am registered/logged in.
    • I should be redirected to relevant pages and without coming across site errors.
  • As a site user, I would like all pages to follow the same branding guidelines - this includes font family, colours (colour palette), image styles, spacing, and effects. I would also like colours to convey the correct emotions to ensure the intended branding message and motives.
  • As a site visitor and/or potential reseller, I would like colours to convey the correct emotions to ensure the intended branding message and motives.
  • As a site user, I would like all pages to be responsive to ensure I have a good user experience. This includes best practices in legibility, colour contrast, font sizes, branding, and element visibility.
  • As a site user, if I am not provided with a success page, I need to be presented with a success message on the home page so I know my action was successful.
  • As a site user, if I am not provided with an error page, I need to be presented with an error message on the home page so I know my action was unsuccessful.
  • As a site user, I should be presented with a 404 page if the page I am looking for is unavailable, or a 500 page I made a bad request to the server with the option of returning to the home page.
  • As a site user, I would like to be redirected to an error page if my financial transaction was unsuccessful. Alternatively, an error message should be provided.
  • As a site user, I would like to be redirected to a success page so that I can be sure my financial transaction was successful. Alternatively, a success message should be provided.
  • As a user, I want to be provided with good accessiblity and interaction on the site so that I can have a pleasant experience on the platform.




Leaf Lounge strives to recreate the experience of shopping in a bookstore by designing its library as a collection of shelves, with different height and colour books, split by genres. The colour blue is associated with wisdom, a common association with that of a library, thus is the main colour echoed throughout the site. Aesthetics outside of colours are kept to a minimum, with most of the books' appeal stemming from their cover images and effects.

The shelves in the library use a combination of cold-brown tones to mimick wood, while the book-spine shades of dark blues and musky green compliment the timber-colours.

Testing & Debugging

Accessibility & Performance


The application is deployed on Heroku via a GitHub connection, and is available for viewing in the link at the top of this document. Additionally, the site is hosted on AWS, and uses S3 for file storage.

To deploy a Heroku project, please refer to the guide below.


There are some general requirements when it comes to setting up your application and its files:

  • Your dependencies must be placed in the requirements.txt file.
  • You must strictly adhere to the correct folder structure expected by Django's settings.
  • In Django's file, setting Debug = True in development will display a detailed errors page if the application comes across an error hindering template rendering. It will also allow the collection of static files (stylesheets, images, and javascript files automatically). Setting Debug = False will display standard error pages under the same conditions and will not update any changes to static files.

In Heroku, this is configured under Config Vars in the Settings tab.

Note: Do not commit to GitHub with Debug = True. Always set Debug = False before committing to avoid exposing personal details.

Note: You will need two-factor verification set up to enable log in.

Step 1: Create an App on Heroku

Log onto your Heroku dashboard using your username and password, and confirm the access code in the two-factor verification app of your choosing.

Login to Heroku: Login to Heroku

Verify your Identity: Login to Heroku

Create a new Heroku app: New Heroku App

You will be asked to pick a name and region for your app before clicking Create app on the next page. New App Options

Step 2: Connect to GitHub

Once you've created your app, go to the Deploy tab at the top.

Select the middle box with GitHub's logo to connect your Heroku app to a GitHub Repository.

If prompted, authorize Heroku to access your GitHub account. At the bottom, enter the name of the repository you wish to deploy to, and click Connect. Connect GitHub to Heroku

Step 3: Automatic Deploy (Optional)

Under Automatic Deploys, choose a branch from your GitHub repository that Heroku will watch for changes.

Enable automatic deploys by clicking Enable Automatic Deploys. With this, every push to the selected branch will automatically deploy a new version of your app.

Step 4: Settings

When you create the app, you will need to add the heroku/python buildpack in the Settings tab.

Add Heroku/Python Buildpack: Add Heroku/Python Buildpack

Step 5: Deploy Your App

If you've enabled automatic deploys, any push to the selected branch will automatically deploy your application.

If you prefer to deploy manually or want to deploy a branch without enabling automatic deploys, go to Manual deploy, select the branch, and click Deploy Branch.

Step 6: View The Application

Your application will have a similar look to the following Heroku URL configuration: https://* and can be found after clicking the Open App button on your dashboard in the top right corner.

Open App


To follow this guide, you will need to have created an account on aws.

Create an S3 Bucket

Login in to your account, and in the top navigation bar, in the search menu, type "S3". Click on the S3 Scalable Storage in the Cloud button, and click Create Bucket.

To create the new bucket:

  • Enter a bucket name.
  • Select ACLs Enabled.
  • Select Bucket Owner Preferred.
  • Deselect Block All Public Access.
  • Check the box to acknowledge the risk of public access.
  • Leave the other options unchanged and click Create Bucket.

Enable Static Website Hosting

Under General Purpose Buckets, click on your bucket. Click on the Properties tab and scroll down to the Static Website Hosting section and click Edit.

  • Click Enable.
  • Enter "index.html" (without quotes) into the Index document input.
  • Enter "error.html" (without quotes) into the Error document input.
  • Click Save changes.

Change CORS Configuration

Click on the Permissions tab and scroll down to the Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) section and click Edit.

  • Add the following code for the CORS settings.
  • Click Save changes.
    "AllowedHeaders": ["Authorization"],
    "AllowedMethods": ["GET"],
    "AllowedOrigins": ["*"],
    "ExposeHeaders": []

Add A Bucket Policy

In the same Permissions tab of your S3 bucket, scroll to the Bucket policy section, click Edit and click Policy Generator.

This will open in a new tab.

  • For the policy type you can select S3 Bucket Policy.
  • For the principal you can enter *.
  • For the Action select GetObject from the dropdown.

Go Back to the Policy Editor and copy your Bucket ARN.

Go back to the Policy Generator.

  • Paste the ARN into the ARN input.
  • Click Add Statement.
  • Click Generate Policy.
  • Copy all of the text in the window popup. Paste this Policy JSON code into the Policy Editor and add a /* to the end of your Bucked ARN.
  • Click Save Changes.

Edit ACL (Access Control List)

On the Permissions tab, scroll down to the Access Control List section and click Edit.

  • Click List in Everyone (public access).
  • Check the checkbox to indicate you understand the changes and their effects.
  • Click Save changes.

Create User Group

  • Search and select IAM in the search bar.
  • Click User groups on the left hand side.
  • Click Create Group and enter a group name.
  • Click Create User Group at the bottom of the page.

Create A Policy

  • Click Policies in the left-handside menu.
  • Click Create Policy.
    • Click the JSON tab.
    • Click the Actions dropdown.
    • Click Import policy.
    • Search for S3.
    • Select AmazonS3FullAccess.
    • Click Import Policy.
  • In the top navigation bar, search for S3 and right click the button. Open this in a new tab for ease of access for the following steps.
  • In this new tab, find your bucket and copy your Bucket ARN.
  • Go back to the previous tab and add your ARN in quotes to the Resource list twice, for the second one add /* after the ARN.

Your code should follow this structure:

	"Version": "2012-10-17",
	"Statement": [
			"Sid": "Statement1",
			"Effect": "Allow",
			"Action": [
			"Resource": [
  • Click Next.
  • Enter a Policy name and description and click Create Policy.

Attach Policy

  • Click User groups in the left-handside menu.
  • Find your group and click it.
    • Click the Permissions tab.
    • Click the Add Permissions dropdown.
    • Click Attach Policies.
      • Search for the policy you created earlier and select its checkbox.
      • Click Attach Policies.

Create A User

  • Click Users in the left-handside menu.
  • Click Create User.
    • Enter a name and click Next.
  • Select the group you created and click Next.
  • Click Create User.

Create An Access Key

  • Click on your user and go into the Security Credentials tab.
  • Scroll down to Access Keys and click Create Access Key.
    • Select Application Running Outside AWS.
    • Click Next.
  • Click Create Access Key.
  • Download the .csv file and click Done.
  • Open the file in a text editor of your choice, and use the values provided as your AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY keys in Heroku Config Vars.

Forking a GitHub Repository

To make changes to your repository without changing its original state, you can make a copy of it via fork. This ensures the original repository remains unchanged.


  1. Click into the GitHub repository you want to fork.
  2. Click Fork in the top right-hand side of the top bar, and this should take you to a page titled Create a new fork.
  3. You can now work in this copy of your repository without making changes to the original.

Cloning a GitHub Repository

Cloning a repository essentially means downloading a copy of your repository that can be worked on locally. This method allows for version control and backup of code.


  1. Click on the GitHub repository you want to clone.
  2. Click on the Code button.
  3. Copy the link in the dropdown.
  4. Open a terminal within your VSC (or whatever IDE you choose to use).
  5. In the terminal type 'git clone' and paste the URL.
  6. Press Enter - you now have a cloned version of your GitHub repository.



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