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Automated Curation of Vascular Plant (Meta-)Barcoding Databases


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Automated Curation of Vascular Plant (Meta-)Barcoding Databases

This R-based workflow will create reference databases for ITS plant barcoding (ITS1 & ITS2 & full ITS) in an unattended fashion. Sequence files from GenBank in .xml format will be locally downloaded and processed by R and VSEARCH. The GBIF Application Programming Interface (API) is used for taxonomic checks.

Dependencies & Requirements

ITSx >= 1.1.3,

HMMER >= 3.4,

VSEARCH >= 2.26,

R >=4.4.0,

20GB of free disk space

8GB of RAM

Unix-like platform


  1. The GitHub repository needs to be copied in a user-created folder with read/write access.

The script will automatically determine its location and set the working directory in R accordingly.

  1. Paths to dependent software (VSEARCH and ITSx) must be set in the config.R file.

There are checks at the start of the script to check if the paths have been set correctly. However, it is recommended to run these tools independently and check if they are working properly. It is not necessary to include these dependencies in the PATH, downloading and dropping the files & folders anywhere on the system or in the resources folder is sufficient.

  1. Additional parameters within the config.R file include the specification of the number of threads to be utilized by the script. This can be manually defined and is set to a dynamic detection mode by default: parallel::detectCores()-1. Please note that this default setting is not adequate for HPC clusters.

  2. Required packages will be downloaded automatically during the first execution of the script. Updating existing packages first is recommended. In case the package installation results in an error it is necessary to re-start the script. If the error persists the renv information included in the resources directory may be used to install the exact package versions which were used during the creation of this script.


The script itself can run on Unix-like systems and Windows, however ITSx requires a UNIX-like environment. This also restricts the script to UNIX-like systems for all practical reasons. Should parts of the script be executed on a Windows machine, it is recommended to install additional software first:

The script can be run by the terminal command: Rscript pathtoscript/main.R and should be able to complete its run without any user intervention. Optional: If RStudio is installed the script can be run with Alt+Ctrl+R from within RStudio.

Internet connection is required throughout the script runtime. Although all downloads are split into batches and each batch download is attempted twice, a loss of internet connection longer than 5 minutes will cause the script to throw an error and terminate.

Please note that each execution of the script automatically overrides temporary files eventually left over from the last run. Backing those files up is not necessary but eventually can provide some means of troubleshooting if unexpected results are found in the final database. A unique name for each run should be defined in the config.R file to avoid overwriting the script output of the final database. This name will be used to create a unique output folder. It is highly recommended to assign a DOI ( to any database used in publications (e.g.,

The metadata and final database are stored in a tab-delimited file using the .csv file ending encoded with UTF-8. Note that to open this file in Excel it is required to use Data->From Text/CSV instead of double clicking. Any errors can be safely ignored, these are conversion errors if the date is set to NA and can not be converted by Excel.

Step-by-step explanation

  1. Startup checks

The script performs start-up and connection checks. In detail, (A) the rentrez package is used to query GenBank for Ephedra glauca[Organism]. The first hit is subsequently downloaded, but not saved to the hard disk. This check only passes if the rentrez package has been installed correctly and a connection to GenBank is successfully established. (B) The MD5 checkfile of the NCBI taxonomy is downloaded to the hard drive. This test only succeeds if the user has writing access to the script folder and NCBI did not change their ftp-server address (has been stable since 5+ years). The taxonomy file is being referenced twice in the functions.R file: during the startup tests and in the function taxonomy_assignment_step4. (C) The GBIF API is queried by checking the backbone taxonomy for Ephedra glauca. This checks if the rgbif package has been installed correctly and if a connection to GBIF could be established. (D) The VSERACH test first checks if a file called vsearch can be found in the directory specified in the config.R file. Second, vsearch is run with the parameter --usearch_global using the ./resources/Marchantiophyta_final_addins_ITSfull.fasta file as a query and database. This verifies that VSEARCH can be executed and the correct version (depending on the operating system) has been installed. This test also fails if the script directory is not writeable. (E) The ITSx test checks if a file called ITSx can be found in the directory specified in the config.R file. (F) Finally, the script checks for the permission to create folders and to delete them.

  1. Search sequences in GenBank

The search term used as a query to find sequences in GenBank is specified in the config.R file. Note that although the theoretical minimum length assumed for ITS1/2 is 100bp, the lower size limit is set to 200bp. This excludes sequences which are incomplete and/or have been trimmed. Initial tests showed that decreasing this size limit to 100bp results in an increase of just 1% more sequences. ITS sequences which have been trimmed are extremely difficult to verify, as without the conserved flanking regions it is often impossible to verify and detect pseudogenes. Note that the keyword UNVERIFIED is used by GenBank to tag sequences which have incorrect annotations (e.g., a plant sequence annotated as fungi), if the incorrect annotation has been reported. The upper size limit of 50000 bp has been implemented to exclude large genomic contig sequences. This size limit currently only excludes one sequence, however in the near future that number is expected to grow. The upper size filter should not be smaller than 15000 bp, as this would exclude nrDNA repeat contigs, often featuring complete 26S sequences. It is important to consider that ribosomal DNA can also be found in the mitochondrion and the chloroplast. Although these sequences have a very low chance of being picked up by ITSx, as it has only been trained on nuclear ribosomal DNA, it is safer to exclude them from the start. It is crucial for as many parameters as possible to define exactly where they are expected to be found. Simply searching for its2 without specifying [Title] will result in ~20000 more matches, most of which are not ITS sequences. This is because this search also includes paper which have the word ITS in their title, e.g. For the same reason the term environmental is not excluded in the search, but during data curation and only if it is part of the taxonomic descriptor. The default search string therefore is: (internal transcribed spacer[Title] OR ITS2[Title] OR ITS1[Title]) AND Tracheophyta[Organism] NOT UNVERIFIED[All Fields] AND 200[SLEN] : 50000[SLEN] AND is_nuccore[filter] NOT plastid[filter] NOT patent[Title]

  1. Download sequences from GenBank

Downloading large chunks of data, such as in this workflow, from GenBank can be challenging for multiple reasons. First, there is a limit on the number of parallel connections and second, the download speed is limited. Third, the number of accessions downloaded via the package rentrez, and ultimately by the NCBI API, is limited. The maximum number of parallel connections is 3 for unregistered users. This limit can be increased to 10 parallel connections by providing an API key in the config.R file. The API key can be obtained for free by following these instructions: This potentially, depending on other factors, can cut the download time by 15 minutes. If one of the batch download chunks fails (each download chunk is 500 accession numbers), it is re-tried once after 5 minutes have elapsed. If it fails again the script will terminate with an error. This will increase the download time by multiple hours if the internet connection is instable and fails frequently (i.e., instable WLAN). In extreme cases, should 5 minutes not prove to be sufficient, this time limit can be increased by searching for error = function(e){ throughout the script and change Sys.sleep(300) to the desired value.

  1. Parsing downloaded xml files

The xml files are processed in parallel and filtered. The GBSeq_organism descriptor, which usually holds the binomial name is filtered for the following keywords: environmental unverified spec cultivated spp. sp. cf. and unexpected special characters (e.g., ! or &) or numbers. Some of these filters only apply if the keyword was found at the end of the string to avoid removing legitimate species, such as Cheilocostus speciosus. The only special character which should be allowed is a dash, as found, for example, in Saxifraga federici-augusti. The next filter removes sequences if the GBSeq_taxonomy descriptor, usually containing the whole taxonomic lineage does not contain a plant family name, identified by ending on ceae. Although sequences containing more than 1% of ambiguous nucleotides (=IUPAC nucleotide ambiguities) can potentially be considered noisy, this script excludes sequences if they have more than 2%. The reason behind accepting up to 2% IUPAC nucleotides is that the intragenomic variations of ITS often make ambiguous base calls of Sanger sequencing trace files necessary and do not reflect noisy sequences but biological meaningful information. Metadata extracted by the script, for example the sample location, currently only contains information for ~44% of the sequences, however, this number is expected to increase. For more information, see:

  1. ITSx detection

ITSx has been published in 2013 it is continuously updated by the author. ITSx outputs multiple files, however, the most comprehensive evaluation requires parsing of the positions file. Although it may look like ITSx has poor detection rates in some taxonomic groups, such as Bromeliaceae (>90% of sequences with no detections), manual inspection of these taxa reveals that they usually contain a large number of untrustworthy sequences which are either too short, contain a lot of unexpected A/T substitutions (strong indicator of pseudogenes), are incorrectly annotated or contain inconsistent gaps in conserved regions. This is due to the fact that most plant barcoding protocols are unfit to deal with high GC sequences, leading to systematic taxonomic bias. For details, see: DMSO and betaine significantly enhance the PCR amplification of ITS2 DNA barcodes from plants ( ITSx is able to detect chimeras by checking the order and count of ITS regions (18S, ITS1, 5.8S, ITS2, 26S), which, if detected, are removed by this script. Although sequences are not kicked from the database if the detection of the 5.8S region failed, it is recommended to exercise caution. These ITS1/2 sequences potentially still have very short 5.8S snippets attached to them (too short for ITSx to detect) or have been generated by internal ITS primers, resulting in partial sequences. The relaxed upper length threshold of 500bp is only applied to ITS2, as Gymnosperm ITS1 sequences can be up to 1500bp long (e.g., Pinaceae). The lower length threshold can be defined in the config.R file and is also set to a relaxed 100bp. This potentially allows partial ITS1/2 sequences to pass this filter. A more aggressive minimum filter setting would be 150bp, however even partial ITS1/2 sequences can still hold valuable information which can be used to infer at least a genus-level in most applications. As the 5.8S region is highly conserved, a more narrowly defined filter can be applied which only allows sequences between 150bp and 170bp to pass. 99% of 5.8S sequences are in the range of 158bp to 162 bp, so a stricter filter should be applied if the downstream application depends on clearly defined 5.8S sequences, which however is not the case for barcoding.

  1. Rescue sequences

As ITSx depends on flanking regions (18S, 5.8S, 26S) to detect ITS sequences, but some sequences on GenBank have been trimmed prior to their upload, these sequences would be automatically removed. In an attempt to keep these sequences in the database, already verified sequences are used as a reference to compare sequences to which were not successfully annotated so far. The threshold of 85% (minimum required similarity including terminal gaps), is expected to only match sequences which already are represented on genus level in the database. To exclude partial sequences, a maximum terminal gap length of 10 bp (each) in the alignment of query (potentially truncated unannotated sequence) and match (annotated sequences from previous step) is enforced. In addition, an upper size limit of 300 bp filters sequences which are unannotated despite containing a flanking region.

  1. Taxonomic harmonization

The NCBI taxonomy (, as mentioned in their disclaimer, is not an authoritative source of taxonomic names. It contains entries, such as Magnoliophyta sp. MP 525, which are given the rank of species. Recent (2022) taxonomic changes, such as in the genus Psoralea, are not reflected in the database as of Dec 2023. Another example is the genus Isotrema, which has been revised in 2019 but not updated in the NCBI taxonomy. The scientificName is copied from GBIF, meaning that synonyms are also represented in this data descriptor. All other information taken from GBIF (species, genus, family, order, phylum and taxid_gbif) point to the current accepted taxonomic name. NCBI taxonomy identification is retained for downstream verification (taxid_ncbi, taxonomy_ncbi and authority_ncbi).

  1. Dereplication

The script reduces sequences to a default of 10 per species. It prioritizes complete ITS sequences, making the database suitable for projects targeting both ITS1 and 2. While considering the country of origin would ideally represent maximum intraspecific diversity, GenBank often lacks this data. Thus, the script uses the first 3 characters of the accession numbers to consider different studies, if possible.

  1. Removing off-target sequences

Despite the fact that ITSx only used Tracheophyte and Marchantiophyta HMMER profiles to annotate the ITS sequences, some fungal sequences were able to pass this step.


Automated Curation of Vascular Plant (Meta-)Barcoding Databases







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