In this repository I want to show how distributed tracing works with dapr and Azure Monitor. To demo a microservice architecture, the sample exists of four services.
FrontEnd Service The FrontEnd service accepts http requests and delegates them to one of the backend services. In order to have a simple and quick UI the FrontEnd service uses Swagger.
Backend services To demo a distributed microservice architecture the FrontEnd service just calls an instance of either ServiceA, ServiceB or ServiceC. All services just returns a string containing the name of the service instance.
dapr uses OpenTelemetry (previously known as OpenCensus) for distributed traces and metrics collection. You can define exporters to export telemetry data to an endpoint that can handle the OpenTelemetry format. Dapr adds a HTTP/gRPC middleware to the Dapr sidecar. The middleware intercepts all Dapr and application traffic and automatically injects correlation IDs to trace distributed transactions.
To setup tracing you need to create a tracing configuration for dapr:
kind: Configuration
name: tracing
enabled: true
expandParams: true
includeBody: true
To activate tracing for your deployment you need to add an additional dapr annotation:
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
annotations: "true" "frontend" "5000" "tracing"
In order to push telemetry to an instance of Application Insights an agent that understands the telemetry format must be used to transform and push the data to Appplication Insights. There is a component available named LocalForwarder that collects OpenCensus telemetry and routes it to Application Insights. LocalForwarder is an open source project on GitHub.
NOTE: At this time there is no official guidance on packaging and running LocalForwarder as aDocker container. To use LocalForwarder in Kubernetes, you will need to package the LocalForwarder as a Docker container and register a ClusterIP service. I have already created a Docker image that is available on Docker Hub m009/ai-local-forwarder. If you want to create your own image, you can clone the LocalForwarder repository. There is a Docker file available under examples/opencensus/local-forwarder.
To export telemetry to the LocalForwarder you need to create an export component:
kind: Component
name: native
type: exporters.native
- name: enabled
value: "true"
- name: agentEndpoint
value: "<Local forwarder address, for example:>"
- Add ApplicationInsights extension to Azure CLI:
az extension add -n application-insights
- Create an ApplicationInsight resource:
Copy the value of the instrumentationKey, we will need it later.
az monitor app-insights component create --app aidapr --location eastus2 --resource-group <your RG> --kind web --application-type web
- Open the deployment file and replace the value of with the instrumentationKey of the previous step.
- Deploy the LocalForwarder to your cluster.
kubectl apply -f ./deploy/localforwarder-deployment.yaml
- Deploy the dapr tracing configuration:
kubectl apply -f ./deploy/dapr-tracing.yaml
- Deploy the exporter:
Note that the dns name ai-local-forwarder.default.svc.cluster.local for the ClusterIP service is used.
kubectl apply -f ./deploy/dapr-tracing-exporter.yaml
Deploy the microservices:
kubectl apply -f ./deploy/servicea-deployment.yaml kubectl apply -f ./deploy/serviceb-deployment.yaml kubectl apply -f ./deploy/servicec-deployment.yaml kubectl apply -f ./deploy/frontend-deployment.yaml
Get the public Ip of the frontend service and check if it is working:
kubectl get service frontendservice
Copy the Ip and use curl to check the service
curl -X GET http://<frontendIp>/FrontEnd/serviceA
You should see the following output:
Hello World, ServiceA
No let us create some telemetry:
curl -X GET http://<frontendIp>/frontend/servicea
curl -X GET http://<frontendIp>/frontend/serviceb
curl -X GET http://<frontendIp>/frontend/servicec
We have to wait a few minutes until ApplicationInsights updates the Application Map. Browse to your ApplicationInsights resource an have a look at the Application Map.