This proyect uses the Identity Framework to manage interactions with the database. To update the datbases, run:
dotnet ef database update -c UsersContext
dotnet ef database update -c GamesDbContext
To create more migrations, use:
# For UsersContext
dotnet ef migrations add <migration-name> -o Data\Migrations\Identity -c UsersContext
# For GamesDbContext
dotnet ef migrations add <migration-name> -o Data\Migrations -c GamesDbContext
Verify if Libman is installed
dotnet tool list --global
Package Id Version Commands
microsoft.web.librarymanager.cli 2.1.175 libman
If it's not installed run:
dotnet tool install --global Microsoft.Web.libraryManager.Cli --version 2.1.175
This proyect uses some external css libraries that are not stored on the repo. To use them, do:
If libman.json is found on the project directory, run:
libman restore
This will restore all css libraries to the project.
If libman.json is not found, inside the project folder run:
libman init -p cdnjs
Install Bootstrap
Install version 5.2.3
of Bootstrap
libman install [email protected] -d wwwroot/lib/bootstrap
Install Font Awesome
Install Font Awesome version 6.2.1
libman install [email protected] -d wwwroot/lib/font-awesome