- The 'goit-js-hw-12-countries` repository has been created.
- When submitting homework, there are two links: to the source files and a working page on GitHub pages.
- When visiting the work page (GitHub pages) of the task, there are no errors and warnings in the console.
- The names of variables and functions are clear, descriptive.
- The project is built using `Webpack'.
- The code is formatted with `Prettier'.
- Add minimal styling.
- There is a file
with default function exportfetchCountries(SearchQuery)
, which returns a promise with an array of countries, the result of an API request.
Create a small application to search for data about a country by its partial or full name. Use the [Rest Countries API](https://restcountries.eu /), namely endpoint /name, which returns an array of objects of countries that fall under the search criteria.
It is enough for the application to work for most countries. Some countries,
such as Sudan
, may cause problems because the country name is
part of the name of another country, `South Sudan'. No need to worry about these
The interface is very simple. The user enters the name of the country to search in the text field.
event. But to do
An HTTP request cannot be made with each keystroke, since
many HTTP requests will be made at the same time, which will be executed in an unpredictable order (race
conditions). Therefore, an approach must be applied to the event handler
and make an HTTP request after `500ms' after the user
has stopped typing. Use the npm package
If the backend returned more than 10 countries that fit the criteria entered by the user, a notification is displayed in the interface that it is necessary to make the request more specific. For notifications, use the plugin pnotify.
If the backend returned from 2 to 10 countries, a list of the namesa of the found countries is displayed under the input.
If the backend returned an array with one country, the markup with country data is rendered in the interface: name, capital, population, languages and flag.