This project aims to improve the building of Ren'Py projects, especially large projects. The main objectives of this project are:
- Make the build process faster.
- Make the build process more informative, especially if something has gone wrong.
- Add a more user-friendly CLI and GUI interfaces.
- Have the ability to run the build process via GitHub Actions.
- Have an easier way to customize archives and formats for advanced users.
- Clone or download this repository to your local machine.
- Navigate to the root directory of the downloaded repository.
This tool serves as a distributor for RenPy games. It provides functionalities for building and distributing RenPy games efficiently.
Before using this tool, ensure you have the following prerequisites installed:
- Python (version should match python used in SDK)
- RenPy SDK (8.0 or higher)
The tool offers a command-line interface (CLI) for various tasks related to building and distributing RenPy games.
The primary command is build
, which allows you to build the game. Here's the basic syntax:
python build --project-dir PROJECT_DIR --sdk-dir SDK_DIR [options] [build_packages...]
optional arguments:
--tmp-dir TMP_DIR Path to the tmp directory.If ommitted, defaults to SDK-DIR/tmp.
--log-file LOG_FILE The name of the log file to write build progress.
If ommitted, only prints to the console.
--legacy-build Compiles the game to retrieve dump with build info.
If ommitted, buildinfo.toml file in PROJECT-DIR is expected to exist.
--silent Prints only error or success messages to the console
(but the log output remains unchanged).
--verbose Prints a more verbous output in the console and log.
This project is distributed under the MIT Licence and also contains files belonging to Ren'Py originating from and