high performing and light weight implementation of the HAMMER architecture
- Antoine Cully [email protected]
- Boost
- Eigen3
- NLopt (optional)
from the Hammer root directory:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../
The compilation process automatically detect all the experiment folders located in exp/
and the executables are stored in `build/exp/"NAMEOFEXPERIMENTFOLDER/bin/'.
New experiments can be added to hammer by creating a new folder in 'exp/' (from the Hammer root folder).
In this folder you need to add a CMakeList.txt
file containing the creation of the executable.
For instance in the example
add_executable(hammerExample ./main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(hammerExample ${TBB_LIBRARIES} ${Boost_LIBRARIES} ${NLOPT_LIBRARIES})
In order to compile the newly created experiment, you will need to regenerate the makefiles. Therefore you need to do:
cd build
cmake ../