The angles-wdio-reporter contains the custom reporter which can be used to store your wdio test results in the Angles Dashboard.
To integrate the Angles Dashboard with your webdriverIO test, we have set up a customer reporter AnglesWDIOReporter, which you can configure by adding the following custom reporter config to your wdio.conf.ts file. You will also need to add the AnglesWDIOService to your services as per the example below. A full example of this can be found in our webdriverio-example project.
reporters: [
enabled: true,
buildName: 'Automated Test Run',
baseUrl: '',
reportingUrl: '',
team: 'angles',
environment: 'qa',
component: 'wdio-example',
phase: 'crossbrowser',
artifacts: [
groupId: 'anglesHQ',
artifactId: 'angles-ui',
version: '1.0.0'
services: ['chromedriver', [AnglesWDIOService, {}]],
An example of how this has been used in a test can be found in the webdriverio-example project.