DBDFixAnimations v1.0.5
Update Changes:
- Changed glitched survivor facial animations to now be fixed properly by resetting the cheek bones as well.
To install DBDFixSkeletons:
- Go here: https://github.com/Befzz/blender3d_import_psk_psa > Right click on the 280 direct link under "Current (branch latest)" > Save Link As.
- Go here: https://github.com/AnimNyan/DBDFixAnimations/releases > Right click on "DBDFixAnimations_v.X.X.X.zip" > Save Link As do NOT unzip it.
- Open Blender and click Edit > Preferences > Add-Ons > Install > in the file explorer find "io_import_scene_unreal_psa_psk_280.py" and select it.
- In the Add-Ons search, search for psk and enable the Import Unreal Skeleton Mesh Add On.
- In the same Add-ons tab in step 3. > Install > in the file explorer find "DBDFixAnimations_v.X.X.X.zip" and select it.
- In the Add-Ons search, search for DBDFixSkeletons and enable the Add On to complete the installation.
To use DBDFixSkeletons:
- After you have clicked Import PSA to a killer skeleton using Befzz's PSK/PSA panel and the animation looks messed up, this is when you should use this script.
- At the bottom of the PSK/PSA panel you should see a new panel named Fix DBD Animations after this add on has been installed.
- If the jaw looks like it has problems for killers please enable the Fix Jaw Bone box.
- So select the skeleton with the problem animation and click Fix Dead By Daylight Killer Animation.
If you have imported multiple PSAs/Actions which all have problems:
- Please make sure all Actions on the Skeleton have problems, because if you "Fix" an action with no problems, it will ignore a small amount of animation data.
- Select the skeleton with the problem actions and click Fix ALL Dead By Daylight Killer Actions to fix all actions at once.