Analysing the data of Hotel Booking
This data set contains booking information for a city hotel and a resort hotel, and includes information such as when the booking was made, length of stay, the number of adults, children, and/or babies, and the number of available parking spaces, among other things. All personally identifying information has been removed from the data.
We will perform exploratory data analysis with python to get insight from the data.
This article on medium explains the entire the process
Exploratory Data Analysis of the Hotel Booking Demand with Python
- How Many Booking Were Cancelled?
- What is the booking ratio between Resort Hotel and City Hotel?
- What is the percentage of booking for each year?
- Which is the most busy month for hotel?
- From which country most guest come?
- How Long People Stay in the hotel?
- Which was the most booked accommodation type (Single, Couple, Family)?
We will:
- Perform the Feature Engineering to make new featuers
- Perform the Data Selection to select only relevant features
- Visualize the data with the help of charts and graphs
- Finally came with few insights by analyzing them .
We have used Python 3 to its following packages:
- Pandas
- Matplotlib
- Seaborn
- Sklearn
This repository contains two files other than readme file
Hotel Booking.ipynb: Jupyter Notebook file contains all the python code, documentation and visualization
hotel_bookings.csv: Our dataset file
Dataset contains following features:
- hotel
- is_canceled
- lead_time
- arrival_date_year
- arrival_date_month
- arrival_date_week_number
- arrival_date_day_of_month
- stays_in_weekend_nights
- stays_in_week_nights
- adults
- children
- babies
- meal
- country
- market_segment
- distribution_channel
- is_repeated_guest
- previous_cancellations
- previous_bookings_not_canceled
- reserved_room_type
- assigned_room_type
- booking_changes
- deposit_type
- agent
- company
- days_in_waiting_list
- customer_type
- adr
- required_car_parking_spaces
- total_of_special_requests
- reservation_status
- reservation_status_date
We learned that
- Almost 35% of bookings were canceled.
- More than 60% of the population booked the City hotel.
- More than double bookings were made in 2016, compared to the previous year. But the bookings decreased by almost 15% next year.
- Most bookings were made from July to August. And the least bookings were made at the start and end of the year.
- Portugal, the UK, and France, Spain and Germany are the top countries from most guests come, more than 80% come from these 5 countries.
- Most people stay for one, two, or three. -> For Resort hotel, the most popular stay duration is three, two, one, and four days respectively. -> For City hotel, most popular stay duration is one, two, seven(week), and three respectively
- Couple (or 2 adults) is the most popular accommodation type. So hotels can make arrangement plans accordingly