MeanFieldToolkit.jl is a Julia package meant for solving generalized self-consistent mean-field equations on a lattice.
Currently supported :
- Lattice implementation is done through TightBindingToolkit.jl. Any custom lattice in d=1,2,3 is supported.
- User can input any two-site interaction in the form of arrays, and their corresponding mean-field equations. Simple four-fermion interactions are already built in (such as Hubbard, Spin-Spin interactions etc.).
- Can track any hopping and pairing order parameters.
- Self-consistentcy solver is implemented using FixedPointToolkit.jl. Can customize the solver, the tolerance of convergence, the maximum number of iterations and so on.
- Can checkpoint and save results into JLD2 files, and resume iterations from reading such files.
- Can plot results of order parameters, and the mean-field ground state energy as a function of iterations.
For further details, please refer to the Documentation.