Google Cloud Platform is a suite of cloud computing services provided by Google in order to develop deploy and manage applications on cloud. This project has the learnings and notes about Google cloud Platform and its services and also some code for deploying services into Google App engine and also a script for deploying a list of services into GAE.
1.GCPTrainingNotes -
2.GoogleAppEngine(Intro And Commands) -
3.Installation of Gcloud CLI -
Contains a project for deploying kafka service into Google App Engine
1.Install gcloud client using steps from
2.Create a key and activate service account using that key using the commands in the IAM section of
3.Open the kafkaservice directory - cd kafkaservice
4.Run the below command:
gcloud app --verbosity=debug -q deploy
->Using the deploy servies script we can deploy any number of services or applications on GAE using the following command:
sh -s "<list of services>" -p "<path to the main dir>"
Single service:
sh -s "kafkaservice" -p "/project/code"
List of services:
sh -s "service1 service2" -p "/project/code"
For deploying kafka on GAE using Terraform ,we need to have terraform installed Steps: 1.Navigate to the service folder
cd <service folder> Ex: cd kafkaservicedeployment/
2.Create an image out of the docker file and push it to the container registry
docker build -t <image_name>:<version> . -- Ex: docker build -t kafka-image:v0.1
docker tag kafka-image:v0.1 <registry_name>/<project_name>/kafka-image:v0.1 --
docker push
3.Run the below terrraform commands to deploy the service into GAE
terraform init
terraform plan -out plan.out
terraform apply plan.out -auto-approve