Palantir's Blueprint for Shiny Apps
We believe that a great UI plays a huge role in the success of application projects. shiny.blueprint gives your apps:
- a beautiful, professional look;
- a rich set of components easily usable in Shiny;
- fast speed of development that Shiny is famous for.
To see shiny.blueprint
in action check out
the Blueprint Showcase app
with all the available components and R usage examples.
Stable version:
install.packages("shiny.blueprint", dependencies = TRUE)
Development version:
remotes::install_github("Appsilon/shiny.blueprint", dependencies = TRUE)
With dependencies = TRUE
the suggested packages (required to run some examples)
will be installed in addition to mandatory dependencies.
Here's how to create a basic shiny.blueprint
ui = tagList(
inputId = "animate",
value = TRUE,
label = "Animate"
server = function(input, output) {
output$progress <- renderReact({
ProgressBar(animate = input$animate)
The majority of Blueprint components are available in shiny.blueprint
Start typing shiny.blueprint::
in RStudio to see all available components.
Visit the Blueprint docs
to see what arguments (props) can be passed to the components.
All components have usage examples in R.
Type ?shiny.blueprint::ComponentName
to see the code
or shiny.blueprint::runExample("ExampleName")
to launch it.
Run this function without arguments to see a list of all available examples.
A showcase application with all components
can be launched with shiny.blueprint::runExample("showcase")
or by visiting this link.
Appsilon is a Posit (formerly RStudio) Full Service Certified Partner.
Learn more at
Get in touch [email protected]
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