Simple WEB application that supports registration, authentication and CRUD operations.
- login/register user
- /cinema-halls create/getAll
- /movies create/getAll
- /movie-sessions create/update/delete/getAllAvailable
- /orders completeOrder/getOrderHistory
- /shopping-carts addToCart/getByUser
- /users getByEmail
- DAO - Data access layer
- Service - Application logic layer
- Controllers - Presentation layer
- Java 11
- Apache Maven
- Apache Tomcat
- Spring Core
- Spring MVC
- Spring Security
- Hibernate
- Clone this project.
- Install MySQL or any other relational database compatible with Hibernate.
- Configure with your credentials.
- Configure tomcat server. I suggest using 9.0.50 versions. For versions above 9 you may need to change dependencies.
- You already have registered two users ([email protected] 1234 ROLE_USER and [email protected] admin123 ROLE_ADMIN)
- Or you can add users and roles manually.
- Done! Run and enjoy! 🎉