All Metrostroi translation files.
If you have any questions - join the Metrostroi Official server at Discord -
Make sure you have any text editor software (like Notepad++), don't use Microsoft Notepad.
1.1. Fork and clone this repository, copy and rename desired file to your country code (example: "xx_base", where "xx" is your country code).
1.2. Click "Clone or download" then click "Download ZIP". Unzip contents to any folder. Go to "lua/metrostroi_data/languages", copy and rename desired file to your country code (example: "xx_base", where "xx" is your country code).
- Translation files represent:
- #Comments
- [xx] - country code where "xx" is the your country code
- Panel.Admin - variable and after equal mark is your translation (example: Panel.Admin = Admin)
- @[Common.ALL.VU] - don't edit lines like this, this lines will use common phrases from other files, that means @[Common.ALL.VU] will use line #129 from xx_base that equals VU: Train control.
- After you finished the translation, make a pull request or ask admins about translations at official VK page or Official Discord server and we will say what to do.