Netrunning scripts for Cyberpunk Red
Generates a balanced NET Architecture for Netrunning in Cyberpunk Red based on the Interface level of a Netrunner.
NET Arcnitecture structure explained
python3 --rooms 12 --branches 0 --level 2
NET Architecture: NET-20211101-131201
Level: 2 Max Depth: 11
Password DV6 (0)
Skunk (1)
Killer + Skunk (2)
Password DV6 (3)
Skunk (4)
Control Node DV6 (5)
Password DV6 (6)
File DV6 (7)
Hellhound (8)
Raven (9)
Scorpion (10)
Liche (11)
Saved NET Architecture as: NET-20211101-131201.json
Change structure to a list of dictionaries instead of a list of listsSave NET Architecture to JSONAdd max_depth to the NET ArchitectureMerge roll-tables to one single fileAdd Architecture Name and Interface Level to argparseAdd a log to the NET Architecture with UIDsRestructure content in roomslinkAdd Black ICE stats (Name, Class, PER, SPD, ATK, DEF, REZ, Effect, cost)Create a default logCreate lists of passwords, file content and control nodesHave different passwords for different DVs (matching entropy)Get file content from CP2077 shards, linux kernel, CS poetry
Add Virus instructions to the NET ArchitectureAdd "logged-in Netrunners" (UIDs) and their HP
Simulates Netrunning in Cyberpunk Red with a Command Line Interface using NET Architectures (from e.g., the net_architecture_generator).
python3 --net NET-20211101-131201.json
Loaded the NET from the json file.
Enter UID (Leave empty for random):
You are now logged in as: KX7QJX
0: exit
1: cloak
> 1
Enter rolled CloakValue: 12
Cloak successfully applied.
0: exit
1: cloak
> 0
You have now logged out as: KX7QJX
Change net['online'] and net['log'] to nested listsChange to classes insteadPrint Virus on loginAdd Cloak- Add Pathfinder
Reveal LogReveal RoomsShould stop on Passwords
- Look into curses with python: link
- Add ability to move in the NET (track with UID+RID)
- Add Backdoor (actually a bruteforce against Passwords)
- Add Control
- Add Eye-Dee
- Add Virus (done by the GM separately?)
- Add Zap
- Add Net Combat
- Add Slide (flee from Non-Demon Black ICE)
- Should Netrunners be able to load their Cyberdecks?
- How often should any changes be saved to disk?
- Need a way to track where the Netrunner is, add room IDs and track in Online list?
- Two options for password: enter correct (3 tries) or bruteforce (roll against DV)
- Log all actions in the Architecture and print the log when succeeding the Pathfinder DV. Use a handle (or a random number) to track actions and associate DVS.
- Track the Program's REZ and any Netrunner's brain damage.
Similar to generator, but less automation and more manual control.