This is a work in progress
The FSM.draw() function requires the package graphviz.
Check out graphviz website and for detailed information
You can use pip install graphviz
but you also need to make sure that the executables of graphviz is in your System Path
FSM( number of states, number of inputs, number of outputs )
- Initializes the finite state machine object with the given attributes
- Generates a random finite state machine.
- Does not guarantee minimality
- Generates a random minimal finite state machine.
- Clears the FSM object
- Cleared object can be used to create another random FSM
- Applies a minimality check to the FSM object
- Returns True if the FSM is minimal, False otherwise
- Applies a graph based minimality check to the FSM object
- Returns True if the FSM is minimal, False otherwise
- Applies both minimality checks together.
- Returns True if the FSM is minimal, False otherwise
FSM.generateRandomTrace( length=10, startNode=-1 )
- Randomly moves on the FSM for length steps and generates a trace
- Returns a List containing tuples in the form (input, output)
- e.g
[(0, 0), (4, 1), (1, 0), (3, 1), (4, 0)]
- You can choose which node to start with startNode. If the node you choose is not valid or -1 (default), chooses a random node.
- Prints the nodes of FSM in a formatted way
FSM.draw( _filename="fsm" makePng=False )
- Uses the graphviz package to draw the graph.
- The name of the generated file is _filename.gv
- Default output (only output for now) is pdf
- If makePng is True, will also try to create a png file
from randomfsmgenerator import FSM
myFsm = FSM(10, 5, 2)
if not myFsm.isSurelyMinimal():
print("We have a big problem")