The repository has been migrated to
Simple Elastic Language offer an easy way to query ElasticSearch for everybody even no-tech people and even on a big, complex and nested schema.
The project is split into two sub projects:
- SEL, which is the library
- SEL Server, unlock quick usage by connecting directly to ES.
Two first digits of SEL version match Elasticsearch version and then it's the inner SEL version, eg 7.17.1 works with ES 7.17, v1 of SEL for this version of ES
SEL doc - Containing Big queries' examples and all the query synthax
SEL Server doc
SEL was initially developed for Heuritech in 2016 and used by everybody inside the compagny tech and no-tech people since that time to explore internal data, generate reports and analysis.
SEL is using index schema to generate queries.
Be aware it will request ES schema at any query generation.
sel @ git+[email protected]
from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
from sel.sel import SEL
es = Elasticsearch(hosts="http://elasticsearch")
sel = SEL(es)"my_index", {"query": "label = bag"})
from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
from sel.sel import SEL
es = Elasticsearch(hosts="http://elasticsearch")
sel = SEL(es)
sel.generate_query({"query": "label = bag"}, index="my_index")["elastic_query"]
from sel.sel import SEL
sel = SEL(None)
sel.generate_query({"query": "label = bag"}, schema=my_index_schema)["elastic_query"]
See SEL Server for API usage
- docker - Build SEL docker
- docker-test - Build SEL test docker
- lint - Lint the code
- tests - Run all tests
- upshell - Up a shell into the docker, useful to run only few tests.
- down-tests - Down tests, in case of failed tests
- install-sphinx - Install Sphinx and dependencies to generate documentation.
- doc - Generate the documentation in
- clean - Clean all
Fail to start with the following error
[1]: max virtual memory areas vm.max_map_count [65530] is too low, increase to at least [262144]
Execute the following command
sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144
Fail to start with the following error
Caused by: java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException: /usr/share/elasticsearch/data/nodes
Execute the following command
chown -R 1000:root /usr/share/elasticsearch/data