Маленькое Web приложение по управлению ToDo:
- Backend - REST сервис на базе FastAPI, pydantic и SQLite
- Frontend - Dash приложение с использованием паттерна Model-View-Controller
- Запуск с помощью ASGI сервера Uvicorn
todo [-h] [--db_path DB_PATH] [--port PORT]
Small Web App for ToDo
Dash app at \
REST API docs at \docs\
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--db_path DB_PATH path and file name of QSLite database [default: db/ToDo.db]
--port PORT bind socket to this port [default: 5001]
todo.backend [-h] [--db_path DB_PATH] [--port PORT]
REST server for ToDo - API docs at \docs\
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--db_path DB_PATH path and file name of QSLite database [default: db/ToDo.db]
--port PORT bind socket to this port [default: 5001]
todo.frontend [-h] [--server SERVER] [--port PORT]
Dash client for ToDo
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--server SERVER backend server address with port [default: http://localhost:5001]
--port PORT bind socket to this port [default: 8000]