A personal calculator project.
This project is a small project which I have started in order to teach myself better coding practices and skills in C++. It began as an extension of a class assignment in my EECS 211 class at Northwestern University.
I hope to include the following functionality in the calculator:
- Basic mathematical functionality, +, -, *, /, ^, % (modulus). -- 100%
- Basic computer shorthands, ++, --, +=, -=, *=, /=. -- 100%
- Basic logic computation, ==, <, >, <=, >=, !=. -- 0%
- Basic variable storage -- 80% (limited number of variables)
- Follows mathematical order of operations in computation. -- 100%
- Matrix handling functionality, incl. transformation, inverse, etc. -- 50%
- Higher-level math functions, sin, ln, max, with arbitrary # arguments -- 0%
- User-defined functions with predefined # of arguments -- 0%